It's been awhile...but here's the update


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Hi All
Been a rough fall for me and my chams. First off I lost "Lady GaGa" and my avatar companion/tattoo "Pretty Girl" (bioth panthers)to old age. Me and my daughter nursed them until the end and hopefully they are in a better place. I also lost 4 yrs old "Claudius"(Veiled) and unfortunately my female ""Medusa"(Jackson)All 5 kept us pretty usy most of the fall hand feeding ,bathing resetting cages for comfort etc. On the good side however the rest of m males and females are doing great. I was able to take some pics today of "Dewey Cheatum & Howe my male panthers(Offsring of Roman from Phil Ciafardo(Where are you buddy been tring to reach you) "Caligula" (High Yellow veiled also from Phil) and "Ms. Purple Pants and Neferitti"(Female panthers, also from Phil)you guys see a pattern here LOL :D
Hope all is well with those that know me an those that don't. I hope to have some pics up soon of "Socrates" male Mellers(Nope got hi from Fluxlizard....fool you :) and Neptune my male Jackson a.s.a.p.


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I am glad to see you back on here. I am so sorry for your loss of so many of your chams. That had to be very hard. Nice pictures of the guys you have left. Thank you for sharing your story and pictures and best wishes for a brighter 2011.
All the panthers are ambilobe The first pic. is of Dewey Sleeping the following pic w/the 3 males in the sink, he is the one in the middle.
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I love how they don't care about eachother and are just trying to get out. You have officially formed the panther brotherhood of Phil who plot their revenge on you for putting them in such an un-climable habitat. :) after you got the picture, did anyone climb onto someone else to try and get out? If they did, it was because they were creating a ladder to escape your sink of black magic. They are smarter than you think! ;)
Each group is put in the sink for showers which I provide via my 2gal. pump mister/sprayer. They love it and I love the way the droplets form all over them(chams)
Hmm, I think your first panther doesn't look to great, sleeping against a lamp during the day isn't good and also his coloring doesn't look to well for me. See rachitis on him looking at the legs. Putting males together in an enclosure is stressful. I'm also not much of a fan of bathing, I know meller's like it but I see your chameleons blow themselfs up and usually that's now a good sign...I think it brings unnecessary stress. The left on the bottom on the picture with the 3 in the bath is suffering from rachitis, the other one is trying to get out of the bath and also putting 3 males together is stressful! I'm sorry, but i'm not amused by these pictures. I'm not surprised by the death of so many chameleons...Know is sounds harsh but I see a lot going wrong here in these few pictures.
My Chams have no illnesses. These are the rantings of a Neanderthal oops !!!!Netherlands person who has nothing better to do than assume. Pic. 1 was taken at night w/ light on just for pic so I could get a good shot. Chams are showered weekly in sink w/ lukewarm 2 gal sprayer/mister due to dry forced hot air heat conditions. The ones that passed, passed due to age not neglect and I don't have to justify what I do to my animals when they are vet treated and exrtremely well cared for as other photos have shown. Slightest signs of medical needs are immeiately dispensd. ENOUGH of this I'm done w/ this idiot

P.S. Here is a pic of Neptune(Let's see what's wrong wih him)
Next time Check pics of my animals before you assume


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Im not saying that your chams are sick man. I just wanted a clarification on what exactly rachitis is?

Although I do agree with the poster that I dont condone showering multiple chams at the same time in a sink. A better option would be to individually shower them on a live plant. Jmpo.
At first I'm not just saying something if I'm not sure. I've got several years of experience with chameleons and with a whole lot of more difficult species than panthers. Turning on lights to make a picture is stressful, I once had a friend who did so to our Trioceros pfefferi (if you even ever heard of that species) and the male dropped dead after that because of stress! Ofcourse panthers are a lot more easy to keep than pfefferi's but I know this isn't good for any chameleon!
Every one who keeps chameleons knows you should NEVER keep multiple males together in an enclosure!

Rachitis is indeed MBD and as I have been to a whole bunch of vet meetings and seen a whole bunch of chameleons with MBD, I know what it looks like and I'm a 100% certain your chameleon has it. If you don't see that than you are the moron here and not me! Ofcourse you don't have to take my 'advice' but in that case I say R.I.P to your chams.

I'm just talking from my own experience and there is not much cases in which I'm wrong, so I don't doubt a second on my knowledge. Do with it what you want.
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