Avid Member
Hi All
Been a rough fall for me and my chams. First off I lost "Lady GaGa" and my avatar companion/tattoo "Pretty Girl" (bioth panthers)to old age. Me and my daughter nursed them until the end and hopefully they are in a better place. I also lost 4 yrs old "Claudius"(Veiled) and unfortunately my female ""Medusa"(Jackson)All 5 kept us pretty usy most of the fall hand feeding ,bathing resetting cages for comfort etc. On the good side however the rest of m males and females are doing great. I was able to take some pics today of "Dewey Cheatum & Howe my male panthers(Offsring of Roman from Phil Ciafardo(Where are you buddy been tring to reach you) "Caligula" (High Yellow veiled also from Phil) and "Ms. Purple Pants and Neferitti"(Female panthers, also from Phil)you guys see a pattern here LOL
Hope all is well with those that know me an those that don't. I hope to have some pics up soon of "Socrates" male Mellers(Nope got hi from Fluxlizard....fool you and Neptune my male Jackson a.s.a.p.
Been a rough fall for me and my chams. First off I lost "Lady GaGa" and my avatar companion/tattoo "Pretty Girl" (bioth panthers)to old age. Me and my daughter nursed them until the end and hopefully they are in a better place. I also lost 4 yrs old "Claudius"(Veiled) and unfortunately my female ""Medusa"(Jackson)All 5 kept us pretty usy most of the fall hand feeding ,bathing resetting cages for comfort etc. On the good side however the rest of m males and females are doing great. I was able to take some pics today of "Dewey Cheatum & Howe my male panthers(Offsring of Roman from Phil Ciafardo(Where are you buddy been tring to reach you) "Caligula" (High Yellow veiled also from Phil) and "Ms. Purple Pants and Neferitti"(Female panthers, also from Phil)you guys see a pattern here LOL
Hope all is well with those that know me an those that don't. I hope to have some pics up soon of "Socrates" male Mellers(Nope got hi from Fluxlizard....fool you and Neptune my male Jackson a.s.a.p.