Jackson Chameleon Help?


New Member
I have been having a slight problem with my female Jackson, so I decided finally to fill out the help form.

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - roughly 1 year, 2 month old female Jackson Chameleon. I have had her since the beginning of June.

* Handling - Almost never, occasionally to clean the cage.

* Feeding - USED to eat like 5-8+ crickets every other day, but now eats MAYBE if I'm lucky 5 crickets each time. I gutload her food with fresh fruit and veggies but I am getting King Kricket Feast by ChamalotChameleons.com

* Supplements - Multivitamin with D3 once a month, plain calcium a few times a week.

* Watering - Mist 5 or more times a day, a cool mist humidifier, and I rarely use the dripper....I see her drink from time to time when I mist her, at least once a day.

* Fecal Description - dark brown "ovals", urates are pretty white with occasionally a tad of yellow in them.

* History - Had her since June....before that she was at a pet store. It is a store only in my state, so not a chain or sellout or anything.

Cage Info:

* Cage Type -18x18x36 screen cage.

* Lighting - ExoTerra 5.0 coil bulb. I will be getting a 5.0 Reptisun tube as soon as I have the money. I have a 50 watt heating bulb by Exo Terra.

* Temperature - Basking: 79-83 degrees usually. Ambient: 73-76.
Night: 65 degrees.

* Humidity - Pretty high, around 70% or more.

* Plants - 1 live Pothos, the rest are silk or plastic.

* Placement - In my bedroom, extremely quiet .

* Location - Central Connecticut

Current Problem - My chameleon used to eat fine when she was in an 18x18x24 glass terrarium by Exo Terra. I put her in a screen 18x18x36 screen enclosure because it is better for them and that was 2-3 weeks ago. She only ate like 3 or 4 crickets today. She is not pregnant because July already past and they usually have a brood of babies then....and she didnt. She just is not eating as much as she used to and I want to find out why.
Looks like you're doing good from the description :) It might be that her appetite is decreasing especially since she is a female, or she is getting bored of crickets, if that's all you feed her. I would suggest getting some other feeders, if you can.
Looks like you're doing good from the description :) It might be that her appetite is decreasing especially since she is a female, or she is getting bored of crickets, if that's all you feed her. I would suggest getting some other feeders, if you can.

Why, do females naturally just not have ahuge appetite like the males? I did get 50 waxworms today, I know they are just pure fat but they are a good treat to get her appetite up:) Thank you for the reply it mademe feel much more confident
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