Jackson, Toe Abscess


New Member
Hello, I have a Jackson Chameleon, Rex, that is approximately 1 year old. He has a toe abscess on one of his back legs, and his foot has just started to swell up slightly. He is still extremely active, and in all other ways, healthy. I have a vet appointment scheduled for one week from now, as that is the earliest appointment available from reptile vets in the area. Is there anything I can do over the next week to manage swelling or help him in some way to keep the injury from progressing further?

Care Info:
Housing: 18" X 18" X 36" Screen Cage

UVB: 12 hours a day, ReptiSun 5.0, replaced every 6 months.

Heating: Basking site fluctuates between 80 and 85 degrees, rest of the cage 70-75

Humidity: Maintained at around 70%, cage does dry between any mistings.

Diet: Silkworms 50% of the time, then fed a variety of crickets, dubias, superworms, waxworms (as treats), and rarely some hornworms. All insects gutloaded.

Supplementation: This is per my vet's recommendations, and has worked for a long time for multiple chameleons. I say that because this regimen is contrary to what is often recommended (ie. cycles of Calcium w/ d3, Calcium w/out d3, and a multivitamin). Besides gutloading, every other feeding I dust with MinerAll indoor formula from Sticky Tongue Farms. I don't dust silkworms or hornworms however.
A photo of the foot would probably help, but if he were mine I would get him to the vets. My Jackson currently has an issue with his mouth/face and is being treated.
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