Some of you guessed it, officially diagnosed with gout

Does anyone know how to tell if their chameleon may have aspirated. I won’t lie that I’m rather scared that I messed up the medication. I did what I’ve done in the past and aimed it for the back of her throat, but I did have a point where a little to much came out. Now she is sitting like this in her enclosure
Give her a little bit of time and if she’s still with her nose up and showing any other signs, then it’s likely she aspirated. It totally sucks having to medicate a chameleon and many times I’ve had the same fear that I may have accidentally caused aspiration. Thankfully after a little while, they put their nose back to normal position and were ok. When I do have to medicate, I try to use gravity and have their noses pointed up as I give them whatever.
Give her a little bit of time and if she’s still with her nose up and showing any other signs, then it’s likely she aspirated. It totally sucks having to medicate a chameleon and many times I’ve had the same fear that I may have accidentally caused aspiration. Thankfully after a little while, they put their nose back to normal position and were ok. When I do have to medicate, I try to use gravity and have their noses pointed up as I give them whatever.
She is still sitting in the same position and is pointing up even more. I’ll keep an eye on her, but I’m not sure if there is anything else i can do. I’m kicking myself right now, it’s terrifying to watch her sit like that
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