Jackson's Babies


New Member
Well I posted a few pic awhile ago when these guys were born, there was 10 then now there's only 2 left. So I though I should post a few pic of the one that survive. He's a lil bit more then 1 month old. You can see the horn starting to grow a bit. Please excuse my dirty hand ;)


You totally could you live in cali.
UGH I miss cali :( I was at disney land not to long ago with my hubby and was thinking to my self
perfect weather for chams :)
The weather pretty good most of the time. BeaverBait won't sent me my butterworm because UPS say it too warm to ship live animal.
I love Jacksons and all chams:)
my female veiled attempts to eat anything that i touch D:
especially the tongs and the stick i use to coax her out of her cage D: lol!
Mine a bit lazy, only hand feed. I am trying to get them to free range feed. But my female don't give me a chance to throw the crickets into the cage. All my other chameleon free range feed.
Awesome. I miss my Jacksons. I had a pair when I lived in Hawaii back in the early 90's but I never got them to breed. I wouldn't mind having a couple more but I just don't have the room for any right now.

Those little guys are so cool looking. Congrats on the two that made it.
Mine a bit lazy, only hand feed. I am trying to get them to free range feed. But my female don't give me a chance to throw the crickets into the cage. All my other chameleon free range feed.

I can free range but i don't like it.. I like to monitor what they eat :) 5 crickets and a few supers everyother day!:)
There's alot of Pro's and Con's about hand/cup and free range hunting. We can go on all day about it. I free range some hand feed some. I don't free range dubia those guys like to hide so there good for hand feeding. Crickets like to climb to the top of the cage, but my chameleon still get them.
There's alot of Pro's and Con's about hand/cup and free range hunting. We can go on all day about it. I free range some hand feed some. I don't free range dubia those guys like to hide so there good for hand feeding. Crickets like to climb to the top of the cage, but my chameleon still get them.

agreed!:) i just found a dubia that was in the cage for like two days after i free ranged it D: but i made a milk jug feeder with paper towel stapled to the back and they climb up so its somewhat free range for them lol :)
I love Momma, she looks healthy & happy. The babies are the cutes thing ever, I only have adult jacksons and still haven't felt ready to bred those.:eek: What are the other kinds of chameleons you have?

You might want to check with northwest chameleons - one of our sponsors. 100 butter worms for $19 shipped. I bought some and they all arrive well. look in the classifieds here on the forum under food.
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