Jacksons chameleon doesn't like me


So my chameleon that i got two days ago absolutely will not let me come around to do anything... if he notices me even just come in to watch and see what he is doing he completely stops and stares at me, i cant even make sure he is eating because he stops trying to if i enter the room, when i got him in the mail and put him in his cage he was fine, i dropped two crickets on leaves and he gobbled them up. Since then i have put a feeder in there and every time i come in to check on him he just looks at me and if i open the cage he tries to turn and go the other way.... is this just probably going to be his personality or is this something that will probably pass in time once he figures out his new home? I was hoping for a friendlier chameleon
2 days is not long at all, you need to give him space. For the first week I'd barely go in the room except for to do what's necessary. Try not to look at him much and just calmly go about your business in the room.
Jackson's chameleons are more likely to see us as predators (I believe) than other chameleons & are a lot less friendly (as I've observed) than lets say a veiled or a panther. If you read care sheets they'll say be prepared to handle your chameleon a lot less frequently, the woman from the pet store where I got my Jackson told me to handle him once every 2-3 weeks maximum. Handling them frequently stresses them out & shortens their lifespan.
So my chameleon that i got two days ago absolutely will not let me come around to do anything... if he notices me even just come in to watch and see what he is doing he completely stops and stares at me, i cant even make sure he is eating because he stops trying to if i enter the room, when i got him in the mail and put him in his cage he was fine, i dropped two crickets on leaves and he gobbled them up. Since then i have put a feeder in there and every time i come in to check on him he just looks at me and if i open the cage he tries to turn and go the other way.... is this just probably going to be his personality or is this something that will probably pass in time once he figures out his new home? I was hoping for a friendlier chameleon
Look on the bright side, at least its not opening its mouth at you. Also all chameleons stare at the owner upon approaching the cage, its in their nature. If theres a cricket in its path itl keep one eye on the cricket, the other eye on the owner. Thats natural for them to stare.
Lol nice star wars references, at least im in good company. I dont try to handle him, i know they arent typically those types of creatures. I'll try giving him more time and just counting the crickets to see how many he has eaten... thanks for the help everyone
Update on my jacksons, he tried eating his feeders out of the container on the side that i have them in. The problem is that when he was trying he was seeing them from the bottom of the feeder so when he would attack his tongue would just hit the bottom of the feeder and he wouldn't get anything. I moved the feeder down some more so he could get to them easier from the branch he usually likes to use. Will he eventually figure it out or should i do something different?
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