Jarl x Val clutch 11-18-2013 / 12/9/2013 (kammerflage kreations)

Update on Mookie Joe- here are his angry colors :) day 61 with us and growing so fast!

Julia he is looking fat and sassy, thats for sure. I like the anger colors. it goes by fast. we are like 40days i think. time flies

He is a fat boy for sure! Still absolutely hates my phone, whether he's free ranging or not. However, my Nikon does not seem to bother him when he is free ranging. Thank goodness! I was able to get an awesome shot of him grabbing a butterworm a couple days ago. It's posted in another thread. He should be shedding any day now, I was really surprised he showed such great colors when I took this, he had been very drab looking lately.

Definitely going by waaaay to fast!
First shed!

This was Erebus' first shed with me, and I love the colors hes starting to show.

But he didn't want to sit still long enough for my camera to focus. So I'll try to take some better pictures soon.



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Lizard he looks incredible. I can not believe how different he looks from mookie joe! Try getting a picture of him with some sunlight. I always feel like indoor pictures do not do their color justice!
This was Erebus' first shed with me, and I love the colors hes starting to show.

But he didn't want to sit still long enough for my camera to focus. So I'll try to take some better pictures soon.


Lizard he is looking good. Like Julia said try to get some outside pics:D
Mookie Joes new outdoor enclosure is complete! I let him play in it a little bit today.


His last shed brought through some more red!

was mad because I closed his cage door, after Free Range time. He really loves his free range. I am working hard on getting him to relax, i can get my hand almost to his chin with out him getting angry. Much progress has been made so far. Also it has been way to cold for outside time, but hopefully warm up soon. Also tried Supers today for the first time, he ate three of them.


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Sorry it's been a while. Quick update he loves to be out of his enclosure and he ate from my hand for the first time today!

Also Julia sorry for hijacking your picture comments on instagram, I completely forgot about the forums! So I heard pine was bad I think from Kammererflage or a website somewhere. And I wanted to know how you prepared the branches that are in the enclosure because they are so big. I'm still searching for organic ficus trees been to 5 florist shops in my area.

I'm also wondering how everyone cleans their indoor cages and all the decorations fake plants and branches. If you use some sort of mixture please include ratios and the names of soaps / products you use. I want to get it right so I don't hurt my little guy.

Thanks !!


You can follow Yoda more closely if you like @yoda2_2 on instagram.


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No worries! I never feel like I'm being high jacked :) did I explain how i prepare my branches well enough?

When I clean my enclosures I use the same process. Minus the baking obviously. But the same soapy mixture. I usually do my major cleaning when they are free ranging. Simply get a cleaning bucket and put the soapy water in it, give every thing a good scrubbing. Removing any urates or poo that is stuck to any branches or anything. I try to always get this off as I notice it and not wait until it's "deep clean" time. Like if I see some on a branch, I take a squirt bottle and squirt it off immediately while it's still "fresh" so it goes to the bottom
Of the enclosure which gets cleaned everyday. lucky for me, my chams designated bathroom area isn't on their live plants :) so I always just take the live plant out and like I said, give it all a good scrubbing. Then rinse it all off -

I need to subscribe to this thread so I don't miss posts. Sorry it took so long to respond! Feel free to ask me on instagram anytime :)
Sorry it's been a while. Quick update he loves to be out of his enclosure and he ate from my hand for the first time today!

Also Julia sorry for hijacking your picture comments on instagram, I completely forgot about the forums! So I heard pine was bad I think from Kammererflage or a website somewhere. And I wanted to know how you prepared the branches that are in the enclosure because they are so big. I'm still searching for organic ficus trees been to 5 florist shops in my area.

I'm also wondering how everyone cleans their indoor cages and all the decorations fake plants and branches. If you use some sort of mixture please include ratios and the names of soaps / products you use. I want to get it right so I don't hurt my little guy.

Thanks !!


You can follow Yoda more closely if you like @yoda2_2 on instagram.

Cleaning wise, we stay on top of it everyday. We remove dead leafs and poop everyday. It helps keep his home nice and pretty. The only time we really clean hard is when it really needs it or we get a gnat infestation. Then we do more repotting and cleaning. We just use hot water and a very small small amount of dawn dish soap. The hardest is skin, which sticks to everything. As for the organice ficus trees, you can find on here i think a sponsor that sells them. I got mine from a tree nursery, and two little ones from wlamart. I just take all the potting soil out, and soak the leafs in soapy water. Hope this helps
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