jungle vine from exo-terra

I use the metal wires from inside of the produce twisty ties at the grocery store. They fit through the screen easily and are not very noticeable. just be sure to keep the twisty tie ends on the outside of the screen.

How do you set up the vine? I cant get it to stay in place. Its always falling to the ground.


Use plant or metal wires and connect the vines to the mesh screen from one or two spots. I also use a large wooden branch from exo-terra and twisted a vine around it.
all of the above; LLL cages come with cable clamps and a pre-drilled hole with a sheet metal screw. one of these on either side up top is usually how i start “locking” things into place and continue to twist vines to each other.

cable clamps style as seen on this page, available at all hardware stores:

I use plastic thumb tacks and even on the small diameter vine, there is no metal from the tack exposed so no rusting here. I did have a few that were not pushed all the way into the vine and yes that little section exposed did rust. I did find out today while setting up my new 24x24x48 cage that a second person is required to get these done. Or someone with 8 foot wingspan...
I use the zip ties, keeping the ends on the outside of the cage. I also like getting thin, smaller vines and wrapping them around thicker branches and then running them off to connect to other thick branches. Hope that makes sense, I'm not sure how else to phrase it :eek:
I use the zip ties, keeping the ends on the outside of the cage. I also like getting thin, smaller vines and wrapping them around thicker branches and then running them off to connect to other thick branches. Hope that makes sense, I'm not sure how else to phrase it :eek:

I been using them for years!!!
That's how I tie all my canes together too, and I use rust proof metal 15 mm hooks that screw in the wood as vine is 15 mm.
As for glass I made a cane endo skeleton wedged into corners with a spine all the way to the top and lots of cane arms all the way up for stability then vine(small) interwined in and around it to constrict the can like a snake so it can never move
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