Just bought 2 True Blue Nosy Be Panther Chams

I got a Nosy Be at the beginning of the fall semester and he is about 8 and half months old now. I'm no experienced cham keeper but I'd say your guy is looking pretty dang cool and Nosy Be-like
I got a Nosy Be at the beginning of the fall semester and he is about 8 and half months old now. I'm no experienced cham keeper but I'd say your guy is looking pretty dang cool and Nosy Be-like

At what age did yours turn blue??
You can't really confirm he is a nosy be. He appears to be one though. As he gets older and develops more color it will be easier to tell.. However he is definitely a male.
You can't really confirm he is a nosy be. He appears to be one though. As he gets older and develops more color it will be easier to tell.. However he is definitely a male.

I guess a couple more months and we will know for sure
My male shed for the first time today. I didn't know they shed so fast. I could see the skin barley coming up off him. When i came back 3 hours later, shed skin was all over the cage. I thought they changed colors after each shed untill there fully grown but he looks the same???? Maybe its because he has been basking since i came back home. He has only ate 1 superworm today and he usualy eats 4-5 plus some crickets a day by the way but i have read this is normal. Ill post pics up after he is done basking so i can actually see his color
before shed ::::::::::::::::


Basking ::::::::::::::::


and after shed ::::::::::::::::::::::::


and basking after shed :::::::


Idk he looks like he got a little more bule and green in him
My chameleons are obsessed with superworms lol. How good are these if gutloaded and dusted
My Female just shed and i got new plants in my Males cage

Heres the female after the shed


and heres the Males cage Now. I got a Hawaiian Umbrella Plants on the bottom and a Pothos hanging in the Top/Middle


JUST A QUICK UPDATE ::::: Around 4 1/2 Months old Now

The female is looking real pretty ::::::


and a quick pic of the male just waking up through the screen ::::::

Thats a steal, even better they are assembled. Im so bored with building those cages haha, had to train my kids so they build them now.

oh i know, i bought them lol. Those are the cages my chams are in right now lol
new set up for the female cage. Finally got a pothos and an umbrella plant in each cage now

Female's Cage before :::::::


and after ::::::

The cage is looking good, I'm sure she will be happy with all that cover to hide in. One suggestion, I would remove the marbles as are you are just asking for trouble with them in the plant. An adult female could easily pick one of them up with her tongue and damage her tongue, mouth, or ever swallow it. I would recommend using larger rocks or something that is too big for them to accidentally pick up with their tongue.
ya i have them in the male and female's plant pots. I have been looking for something else to use but there are so many stalks coming out of the pothos plants that i cant fit anything down in there besides the marbles, theres no way i could fit any rocks in there. Now the umbrella plant i could do something about but nether one of them even goes close to the bottom of the cage
Glue the marbles together in sections that fit together like a puzzle. Easy to do and I was doing it for my Parson back in the early 90's
Glue the marbles together in sections that fit together like a puzzle. Easy to do and I was doing it for my Parson back in the early 90's

not a bad idea. What type of glue would be ok to use as they would be wet most of the time
You'll probably find that live plants will be needed...they can help with air quality and humidity maintenance. Also, your cham will want more areas to hide out of view.

yes, I would look into some live plants. helps with humidity and gives a more natural habitat for your chams. Live plants will hold water droplets better than fake plants.:)
yes, I would look into some live plants. helps with humidity and gives a more natural habitat for your chams. Live plants will hold water droplets better than fake plants.:)

you went way back into this post lol I have gotten live plants for both cages and have completely eliminated the fake plant since then
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