Just got a panther chameleon


New Member
I just got a panther chameleon. I have read that you have to mist the cage and plants with a spray bottle but I have to a lot to keep the humidity up.(norm in mid 30's when I dont spray a lot)Also that drippers or better then sitting water. Does anyone know if http://http://lllreptile.com/store/catalog/reptile-supplies/bowls-drippers-misters-and-humidifiers/-/zoo-med-habba-mist-auto-mist-system/ would be the way to go and does anyone know where to get a good dripper system?

I have a 4 month old panther cham and need help getting started!
No no no no no, Habba Mist is a very poor misting system, I would get a mistking
Best mister around. And what the proffesionals use.
You dont really need a misting system, but they definatley are nice... Mistkings make me drool. I however just use a pump sprayer since I can't afford sooper expensive extras like a mistking. Gotta save that money for future vet visits! :)
Thank you! I'll most likely getting a auto mister from them. Whats a good humidity level to keep it at i have it at about 30%-40%. (40 rare & reader is outside cage) Also would i need a mister and dripper or would that be over doing it?

I have only had him for a couple days but I notice that hes has a lot of spit in his mouch like it strings between his upper and lower jaw when he opens his mouth. ill try to get pictures
What does his poop look like? the humidity should be around 40-50% when the cage is dry and it should go up to 70-90% when you mist. A dripper is almost always a good idea. It provides water when the leaves are dry and the chameleon always has it.

EDIT: I add my pictures to photobucket.com and they give you the link.
I feed him today 15 crickets, I got him last night and he hasn't pooped yet and now seems like hes getting ready to sleep.
The Mistking misting system will mist all the cage and this will create drips. You don't need another drip system.

If you want to you can poke a pin hole in a cup, or 2 liter plastic pop bottle, and you will have a dripper too.

I would not worry about the humidity with your panther, the mist system will take care of humidity, and Panthers don't need humidity as much as other species.

Looks like you did well on your cage and fixtures. Welcome to the Forum!:D

Welcome! Your Panther is beautiful! Cant wait to see more pics!

Oh yea! I have a pro-mist that I love and it works great
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Is it a Sambava? He does look big! Maybe he shouldn't be fed so much :) 6-10 a day is usually a good number to allow a good steady growth.
Yeah he is big, I got him from the dupage fair grounds.( LEE watson's animal show and sale) I got these dusters for the cricktes 1. is green, says calcium and 2. is pink is and says calcium with vit.D3 AND 3. is blue ans says Herptivite with beta carotene. ALL 3 were made by Rep-Cal. Are these good products and how often should I be dusting my crickets? I also read that you should have basking spot for him/her but my breeder told me not to have them too close because they will just sit there and fry themselves. whats a good space I should leave open if that is true?

I gave him 15 she told me he might eat 20 a day. Should I cut back a little bit? when I feed him should I give themto him all at once or through out the day and whens a good time for feeding right when they wake up or whenever is clever? I also got Blue bottle flys about to hatch these should make a good treat.:)

I Keep forgetting his actual name, she's told me about 6 times that sounds about right but i'll make sure.

I'm a new owner and any suggestions would be major help thanks!!!
Does he have a U bar? Sambavas are know for their U bar stripes on the side. I thought I saw one on his side :) those supplements are perfect. Use the plain calcium almost every feeding, the calcium with d3 twice a month, and the vitamins twice a month. His insects should be gutloaded with veggies like kale and collards and fruits like apples, pears, and oranges. When you dust them do so lightly. They shouldn't look like a ghost. I personally feed my baby 6-10 (more like 8-ish) crickets every day. I feed half in the morning and half in the early afternoon, but you can give them to him all at once if you want. As for basking, make sure he's at least 6-8 inches from the light so he doesn't get burned. His basking spot should be around 80 degrees. If you're worried about him burning himself while he climbs on the screen, or if he likes to climb upside down under the light, then raise the lamp away from the screen. A normal 40 watt bulb is usually good but make sure it's not a coiled one.
I got a Exo Terra 75W SUN GLO heat BULB and a reptisun 5.0 uvb light.

He just pooped it was solid black with a white peice. 3 black one and a white one with a spot of yellow on it. i understand that means hes not drinking enough iv been trying to keep the screen wet because he seems to drink the water off the screen.

Any ideas to get him to drink more until i get my mister and dripper?

yes hes has white stripes going along with is body on both sides
As I read someone else say on here, I think a little yellow or orange on the urate is fine and/or normal. Just worry if the entire urate is discolored.
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