Just wanted to share my excitement


New Member
My new cage and more lights came in the other day for my future panther cham :) (Black Friday deals... woot woot)

We are going to take my old cage and turn it into an outside cage for both my bearded dragons and the chameleon when I get him a few months from now. :D (Obviously they won't be in it at the same time;))

Next, we are planning to build a stand equipped with a drainage system and then get the cage ready. Personally, I think getting the cage ready is just as fun as getting a new reptile. :D

Also, I just recently submitted my application to volunteer at the local herpetological center...so fingers cross I get accepted!!
Hi! I agree…setting up is the best. I spent so much time preparing for the arrival of my nosey be. My husband thought I was nuts, but now he agrees that they are pretty amazing little creatures. :D Good luck with your volunteer app!
Thanks guys! I'm really hoping they accept me. I've never volunteered for a place like this and it is something that I am very excited about!!
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