New Member
I was picking up some crickets for Hawkeye today at my local petco when I was shocked to see this. (usually i get crickets at a more reputable store but it was out of the way) 5 chams of 3 different species together in one of those stupid glass cabinets. They had 1 adult/subadult jackson female, 2 juvenile veilds of about the same size as the johnstonii, and then 2 tiny little panthers that appeared to be barely 2.5 months old. And to make matters worse, although they looked hydrated for the most part, there was a water bowl in there. Lord knows how long they've been in there, hopefully, there was no additional chams in there previously that were sold off. FYI, this cage was 10 gallons at the most. I cringe at the thought of the kind of care they are receiving: for instance, supplementation. To make matters worse, they were priced so high that they probably won't sell for a long time considering that most people spending that kind of money on a cham have probably done their research and are certainly not looking for chams at petco.