Juvenile Red Bar Ambilobes $275

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I have some young juvenile red bar ambilobes that are a steal at $275. Way beyond well started, these little ones are starting to show some great color.
PM, email me, or call if you are interested in these little guys(or girls.)

Sorry for the crappy pictures, but my viscous nosy decided to latch onto my nikon lens and take a nice bit out of it, not to mention he scratched the crap out of the lens.

I will be getting a new one this weekend and will get some better pictures ASAP.


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I know this is off topic, but i bought a Nikon D40 yesterday and I bought a UV filter for it. After reading what you posted about you nosey I figured a 10 dollar cover is worth protecting a 130 dollars lens.
More Are Ready!!!!

Once again we have some of ROWAND's babies ready. 6.6 at the moment, will update as quantities decrease. Males are 300 and females are 275.

Rowand, the breeder of these chams is also for sale. 600 firm. He is a beast, and will dwarf any panther you have, ambanja or otherwise. He can be had with a 1.5 y/o huge female that has only laid two clutches(both with him- the second a retained sperm clutch, 33-36 eggs respectively) with him for 900 total.

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