New Member
After reading ALOT about supplements, gut loading, and just general well being of chams and their food, I decided to go out shopping for supplements and such. What did I get? I bought Rep-Cal Vitamin with and with out D3, Rep-Cal Herptivite, and Sticky Tongue Farms MinerallO, my chams get alot of outdoor time.
Though upon submitting my order to LLL I realized I forgot something called Vit-All gutload, reading the official website description of Vit-All from Sticky Tongue Farms' website afterward got me A'thinkin.
This is an quote from the Sticky Tongue Farms website:
"Dusting vitamins is questionable because essential ingredients we use, like beta carotene, does not work well in a dust form. The beadlet that was needed to keep beta carotene stable when exposed to oxygen, is far too large to stick to any feeder prey. We know reptiles of many species are sensitive to excess amounts of synthetic Vitamin A into a food source."
Im not saying they are wrong or right. Though after reading that, It made me wonder if Herptivite would really give my chameleon the Vitamin A he needed. Would the beta carotene be simply too large to adhere itself onto my crickets? I read somewhere that there is some controversy as to if or if not chameleons could convert beta carotene into Vitamin A at all. I kicked myself in the leg for not ordering this Vit-All gutload!
Then my thinking went deeper. If the Vit-All was a gutload, and beta carotene only converts itself into vitamin A when needed in the liver, I wonder if crickets could actually produce enough vitamin A for my cham? I worry about vitamin A because its one of the important vitamins that ties in with calcium and MBD prevention. I did not want to go through the prEformed vitamin A because I was scared of it being too toxic.
If Crickets ate gutloads with beta carotene, and beta carotene is useless to chams (given if the theory of chams being not being able to convert it to vitamin A were true)* how would my cham get his necessary vitamin A?
On a side note, I realized that I actually SAVED money NOT ordering that Vit-all because I feed my cham Kale and that's a good source of vitamin A
Looks like prEformed Vitamin A is the only way to go =(.
Sorry, such a long write up.
And sorry if I wrote some noob and useless info, Im no pro nor am I saying that any company is good/bad. Just a rant I had.
Though upon submitting my order to LLL I realized I forgot something called Vit-All gutload, reading the official website description of Vit-All from Sticky Tongue Farms' website afterward got me A'thinkin.
This is an quote from the Sticky Tongue Farms website:
"Dusting vitamins is questionable because essential ingredients we use, like beta carotene, does not work well in a dust form. The beadlet that was needed to keep beta carotene stable when exposed to oxygen, is far too large to stick to any feeder prey. We know reptiles of many species are sensitive to excess amounts of synthetic Vitamin A into a food source."
Im not saying they are wrong or right. Though after reading that, It made me wonder if Herptivite would really give my chameleon the Vitamin A he needed. Would the beta carotene be simply too large to adhere itself onto my crickets? I read somewhere that there is some controversy as to if or if not chameleons could convert beta carotene into Vitamin A at all. I kicked myself in the leg for not ordering this Vit-All gutload!
Then my thinking went deeper. If the Vit-All was a gutload, and beta carotene only converts itself into vitamin A when needed in the liver, I wonder if crickets could actually produce enough vitamin A for my cham? I worry about vitamin A because its one of the important vitamins that ties in with calcium and MBD prevention. I did not want to go through the prEformed vitamin A because I was scared of it being too toxic.
If Crickets ate gutloads with beta carotene, and beta carotene is useless to chams (given if the theory of chams being not being able to convert it to vitamin A were true)* how would my cham get his necessary vitamin A?
On a side note, I realized that I actually SAVED money NOT ordering that Vit-all because I feed my cham Kale and that's a good source of vitamin A
Looks like prEformed Vitamin A is the only way to go =(.
Sorry, such a long write up.
And sorry if I wrote some noob and useless info, Im no pro nor am I saying that any company is good/bad. Just a rant I had.