L a 'Different' Veiled Cham


It's been almost one year that I have this fantastic creature.
His name is L.

It is quite different from all the reports and experiences with Veileds I've read about so far.

Almost every time I read or reserached about Veileds I was surprised at the kind of behavior that they have: aggressive, grumpy, lonely and do not like the human handling.

But all these months with L made ​​me realize that they are affectionate creatures, who like the human touch, which eat into our hands, drink at our hands, and that they can get excited when a human comes near them.

Here in this video I tried to show the routine of L.

Every day when he sees me coming into the room, come forward so I can get him to take him to the two trees he loves.

He never tried to bite me, but once or twice got grumpy with me because I got very close very fast .

L does not poop out of the cage, he always drops the tree on which it is to be taken to the cage and then there is a place where he defecates .

He has memory, have a furniture which reflects the image and he, knowing this, try to get close several times this furniture. Then when he sees the reflection gets angry, but never bit me.

My veiled has never bitten me either or tried to! He's the sweetest little Cham ever!
In fact when I open his enclosure and approach he it doesn't phase him and he will come out willingly. He is an elusive pooper as well, I didn't realize chameleons will poop outside of their enclosure until I got my panther. However my panther only pooped outside of his enclosure for the first month and he was very young and probably still stressed.
I would surely say veileds are the friendliest when raised right
L is looking very handsome. Congrats on your first year together.

All my veileds have been super friendly with really nice personalities. :)
I named my boy mako, after the shark lol...he's fast...sneaky and will go for your face out of nowhere lol you kinda gotta be on your toes with him. Im pretty sure he's wild caught. He's awesome :D
I named my boy mako, after the shark lol...he's fast...sneaky and will go for your face out of nowhere lol you kinda gotta be on your toes with him. Im pretty sure he's wild caught. He's awesome :D

I fear my Veiled trying to pierce my nose when he climbs on my face....Those little claws trying to poke through my septum...Luckily he is only 21g right now.
Wow he's got a huge casque! My male is fairly tame, until he sees one of the females in another cage. I had turned the cages to clean around them. Normally the chams can't see each other, but when moved them they could. I had the male's door open, cleaning the bottom of the cage, when I heard hissing. I looked up and the male was trying to crawl onto my head to get over to the female. When I tried to put my hand out to move him, he flared up, and snapped multiple times at me like he wanted to try to bite my finger off. Lol
My veiled has never bitten me either or tried to! He's the sweetest little Cham ever!
In fact when I open his enclosure and approach he it doesn't phase him and he will come out willingly. He is an elusive pooper as well, I didn't realize chameleons will poop outside of their enclosure until I got my panther. However my panther only pooped outside of his enclosure for the first month and he was very young and probably still stressed.
I would surely say veileds are the friendliest when raised right

Yeah the same happens to me, when I opened his enclousure, he came out without no fear =P

I am sorry that I can not put it near a cat or dog like Jannb =/
I named my boy mako, after the shark lol...he's fast...sneaky and will go for your face out of nowhere lol you kinda gotta be on your toes with him. Im pretty sure he's wild caught. He's awesome :D

L is not so fast, but if I do not look at it all the time, he just disappear lol

But i think that all cham like ours face as a favorite place haha
Wow he's got a huge casque! My male is fairly tame, until he sees one of the females in another cage. I had turned the cages to clean around them. Normally the chams can't see each other, but when moved them they could. I had the male's door open, cleaning the bottom of the cage, when I heard hissing. I looked up and the male was trying to crawl onto my head to get over to the female. When I tried to put my hand out to move him, he flared up, and snapped multiple times at me like he wanted to try to bite my finger off. Lol

lol that is hilarious!!!!

I wanted put my little guy with a female, but here in portugal is really hard to find other people with cham.
But there is a page o facebook, named The Chameleon Farm that have a lot of cham and species that are used to be together and they live well together, I´ve never seen such a thing.
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