laborday pics


Avid Member
Hi had everyone out enjoyin the sun they love it outside.
first is my two mitsio boys


the second one

hers one of Bokazar

an one of argo
damn rob, you got a mad powerhouse of killer chams lovin the first mitsio, he gonna be a real looker
Heres one of my new raiden boy

last but not least is my boy from bobbie This is raidens grandson.



thanks for lookin
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Nice Faly's! How old is the raiden's grandson panther you have?

he is 5 months old... an thanks everyone i have become a big mitsio fan.. his green is more neoon then his brothers at nite when there sleepin they all turn yellow with red bars..
damn rob, you got a mad powerhouse of killer chams lovin the first mitsio, he gonna be a real looker

Thanks ace yea all 5 of the mitsios boys are awesome looking that guy stands out of all 5 his green is more neon then the others, iono prolly dont mean anything cause at night when there all sleeping there all yellow with red bars all look the same..
Rob your chams always amaze me. You've got one of the most enviable collections on this forum.

thank you. I really take pride in muh guys an girls.. I know some hate to hear it but really it is all about bloodlines an payen alil more an gettin what you want...I want to end up with babies that are out of this world an im gettin there judgin by bobbies lil ones that guy is what I want in a faly. I have faly eggs from few diff lines cookin but the ones im looking forward to the most are Bokazars babies, the female i bred him to along with the blood in bokazar should be amazing..
on a side note im kinda bummed I sold my hannibal male whos turned out to be a faly banja an not the hannibal male i wanted sucks wastin a year, This guy is awesome if ya see him in person the colors he throws an his attitude is the best, his new owner is a fourm member here in so cal so hope they will continue to post pics of him dude looks more faly then alot of them out there..
I wish i had a faly like those.. Just insane..and the mitsios..they are incredible

thanks ace....
Hey what about Bokazar? how many ya see like him around seein him outside soakin up the sun all them colors burstin out of him, lol i cant tell you how many times i sit an look at pics of amandil an Dr G an Bokazar is the perfect mix of both...All of the Dr G babies turned out awesome.
Im actually (most likely) getting a baby from Gargamel. That ambanja is just so awesome, and i also have 2 clutches of ambanjas. After those two clutches have found new homes, i'm gonna get a faly for sure..maybe sooner lol
They are all looking GREAT Rob!! You are right it's all about genes and with them the lines the come from! It's not about just getting a same local to breed with it's about getting the perfect mix of genes.

I loved Gargamel fact I bought him :( I have been tempted to get one of his offspring but am waiting for a Bokazar baby....although a female mated with Bokazar blood....hmmm

There are quite a few good lines of Ambanja right now. Dr G, Bokazar, (Yes I know they are the same) So Kool, SSimsswiSS's WC. It's really hard to pick just two, or three.
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They are all looking GREAT Rob!! You are right it's all about genes and with them the lines the come from! It's not about just getting a same local to breed with it's about getting the perfect mix of genes.

I loved Gargamel fact I bought him :( I have been tempted to get one of his offspring but am waiting for a Bokazar baby....although a female with Bokazar blood....hmmm

Hey man, it sucks what happened to him.. He was just an incredible guy.
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