Last Baby is out! Number #40

Hey everyone.Clea laid 42 eggs and i lost one immediately. So i was up to 41 eggs. Then when they first started hatching i lost one. It was just filled with yolk so it never developed. So i was down to 40 eggs. All the 40 eggs hatched! All the eggs that developed a baby inside them..hatched. I feel great and i couldn't have done this without the people on this forum. Now it is the great journey of taking care of all these little guys. They eat so much and are so adorable. I clean their bins out every other day and change the paper towels every day so they don't sleep with poop in the bin and wet towels. Below is a pic of the last baby,;)

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I'm just curious...How do you manage to keep up with 40 babies??? Especially when it comes to the time that you have to separate them??
I'm just curious...How do you manage to keep up with 40 babies??? Especially when it comes to the time that you have to separate them??

I am well aware of what I need to do. I have an 18x18x24 cage that I will use for the larger ones. I am going to be getting a lot more bigger bins as the babies start growing and will put a long 48in UVB over all the bins and an 18in one when I use the screen cage for the babies that grow bigger. I also have BocaJan to help me if I need her to. I can do this:)
My last two chameleons to lay eggs did over one-hundred and forty (140) eggs with one doing seventy-six. I mated mine early in their lives. Mine were born mid October 2009 and each has had a clutch and two, two clutches. Each clutch has been over fifty. I dispose of the eggs as I soon realized that finding homes for the animals would be time consuming with little chance of selling them all. Unless you can devote lots of time and money to rearing them then I would think about your options carefully. Rearing them is difficult and the food they need cant usually be found at a local shop. At about six months (of age) most will require separate vivariums.

The cost is in the thousands of pounds.
In UK insurance for a veiled chameleon is one-hundred pounds per year that does not include the first 3 months of life. females exception anything to do with egg binding is not covered in both male and female anything to do with Metabolic bone disease is not covered. Initial consultation with a vet without insurance anything from 20 to 35 pounds before any treatment. Not trying to scare members just to make them aware if things go wrong.
My last two chameleons to lay eggs did over one-hundred and forty (140) eggs with one doing seventy-six. I mated mine early in their lives. Mine were born mid October 2009 and each has had a clutch and two, two clutches. Each clutch has been over fifty. I dispose of the eggs as I soon realized that finding homes for the animals would be time consuming with little chance of selling them all. Unless you can devote lots of time and money to rearing them then I would think about your options carefully. Rearing them is difficult and the food they need cant usually be found at a local shop. At about six months (of age) most will require separate vivariums.

The cost is in the thousands of pounds.
In UK insurance for a veiled chameleon is one-hundred pounds per year that does not include the first 3 months of life. females exception anything to do with egg binding is not covered in both male and female anything to do with Metabolic bone disease is not covered. Initial consultation with a vet without insurance anything from 20 to 35 pounds before any treatment. Not trying to scare members just to make them aware if things go wrong.

I'm pretty sure CleaTheChameleon fully understands what he's gotten himself into. Also, he seems about as prepared as they come. :) You get insurance on your chameleons?? I don't even have insurance on my dogs.. lol!

To the OP, congrats on your 40th baby!! Looks like you're doing a great job!
I'm pretty sure CleaTheChameleon fully understands what he's gotten himself into. Also, he seems about as prepared as they come. :) You get insurance on your chameleons?? I don't even have insurance on my dogs.. lol!

To the OP, congrats on your 40th baby!! Looks like you're doing a great job!

Well (without vet cover) if your pets get sick and require something that you cant do yourself (seems most things with chameleons) then you'd better have deep pockets or be prepared to watch the animal(s) suffer.
Well (without vet cover) if your pets get sick and require something that you cant do yourself (seems most things with chameleons) then you'd better have deep pockets or be prepared to watch the animal(s) suffer.

Thanks for your concerns but i for one wont let that happen. I don't know about others but i wont.

Thank you to all the people that left nice comments. i appreciate it
cograts i was so happy when all 60 of mine hatched out just get ready for loads f money on food and bllody pinheads running around the home lol :)
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