laying material???


New Member
hi what ia the best material for my cham to lay in, i am worried about her getting egg bound and something happening to her please any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
hi what ia the best material for my cham to lay in, i am worried about her getting egg bound and something happening to her please any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you

soil without fertilizer mixed with sand and moist, so that the cave she digs don't collapse.
thank you guys i will get a bin tomorrow and sand, how will i know when she is ready to lay eggs as she always wanders to the bottom of the enclosure it is something she has always done??
Tell ust a little aboute the species, placing of the cage (room), age, temperature, humidity, colours on her, and even pictures wich would help us to help you :)
She ia a Veiled cham we think she is about 5 or 6 months old, her enclosure is all mesh and is misted regular times through out the day her enclosure is approx 3foot high and about 2foot wide, with plenty vines, and hanging leaves for her (but she tends to only go there at night for sleep rest of the time she is on the vines), we keep her in the corner of the front room not near the window to avoid our cold weather over here she has a uv tube and a heat bulb white during the day and a red bulb for over night.
she is usually brown colouring with stripes and pale spots. i do have some pictures my son put on my profile of her but they were taken over the past months i will get some new ones on soon
hope any of this helps?
Does she have mustardy/yellowish splotches of color on her?

I have used washed playsand for years as a substrate for them to lay the eggs in and not had any problems with it....other substrates work for you just have to try one and figure out if it works for you.

I keep a container of the playsand in an opaque container that is at least 12" deep x 12" x 8" in the cage of any sexually mature egglaying female chameleon so that she always has a place to dig to show me that she's ready to lay eggs. Once she is digging intently, she can then be moved to a larger container and left there if need be.

Do not let a female see you watching her when she's digging. It can cause her to abandon the hole and if it happens often enough become eggbound.
no she has not she has white splotches along her side but she has had this colour for a while?
Thank you for the advice on the sand i will sort that out straight away for her.
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