Leopard Gecko help

Thx so much. I went and got all the stuff for the recipe and got about .4 cc into him so far. That stuff is not cheap. About 45 not to mention the 20 mile drive. But I can't put a price on trying to save this lil guy.
I am going to try and tether my phone to my comp so I can have decent screen to read the care sheet for now I am setting things up as u suggested and hoping for a miracle. He is moving around a bit. Oh and I tried to give him a soak and he wanted nothing to do with the water??
Thx so much. I went and got all the stuff for the recipe and got about .4 cc into him so far. That stuff is not cheap. About 45 not to mention the 20 mile drive. But I can't put a price on trying to save this lil guy.
I am going to try and tether my phone to my comp so I can have decent screen to read the care sheet for now I am setting things up as u suggested and hoping for a miracle. He is moving around a bit. Oh and I tried to give him a soak and he wanted nothing to do with the water??

Yeah it isn't cheap but it works really well and should help him a whole lot. You can keep it in the fridge for a good while. And yeah they don't like soaking at all if it is stressing him I would just stick with the slurry and what you are doing some geckos will never get use to soaking
I know very little about Leo's but with your dedication to keeping reptiles alive, and the help you have received here, i am betting the little guy will make it.
So he has taken the mash smoothie twice now. I used my gf's smoothie maker to blend it all up and it worked great. Just KNOWBODY tell her or it'll be my life on the line. I only got about .4 cc into him this time but at least it is sumthing.
So he has taken the mash smoothie twice now. I used my gf's smoothie maker to blend it all up and it worked great. Just KNOWBODY tell her or it'll be my life on the line. I only got about .4 cc into him this time but at least it is sumthing.

That's awsome hoj! I recently went through similar. i found a male Leo with only a couple toes left and his tail looked like a pencil.. my guy didn't have a prob eating he was just.neglected.. I found him behind safeway next to the dumpster with him his tank and some sand.. i thought oh hell free tank! Little did I know I found a little part of my life :) once ur guy is up and up u will keep a leo around forever there so great!

EDIT: mine wasn't as skinney as ur guy.
So he has taken the mash smoothie twice now. I used my gf's smoothie maker to blend it all up and it worked great. Just KNOWBODY tell her or it'll be my life on the line. I only got about .4 cc into him this time but at least it is sumthing.

That is a really good amount for him to be eatting he will take more as he gets better.
Umfortunately I awoke to find he had passed in the night. So sad. I don't get why pet stores always wait till its too late. I'm so frustrated if I had been able to help him sooner I'm sure I could have saved him :(
My only solace is in knowing he got to feel some love for his last days and passed in a home that cared for him and not the lonely pet shop.
Thx everyone for your tips, care info and well wishes.
R.I.P lil Gex
Umfortunately I awoke to find he had passed in the night. So sad. I don't get why pet stores always wait till its too late. I'm so frustrated if I had been able to help him sooner I'm sure I could have saved him :(
My only solace is in knowing he got to feel some love for his last days and passed in a home that cared for him and not the lonely pet shop.
Thx everyone for your tips, care info and well wishes.
R.I.P lil Gex

Aww :( man I am so sorry ....
Sorry he didnt make it. I commend your heart man. He left in good care.

If someone comes across this thread. Here is a little more info for any future animals in this condition.

Unless it was from straight neglect. If it was not eating it is usually one of two things with leo's: impaction or parasites. i have kept many leo's on calcium sand. Never had any impaction issues but anything is possible if they are not given proper hydration and temps. Imo it is fairly common with leo's to come with parasites. Im not sure if it is from contamination at breeders, the wholesalers or under a vendors care.. If i buy a leo and it has skinny tail or emaciated. My ways are just like a wild caught chameleon. Treat (for parasites) first ask questions later.

Once you have located the source of the issue and they are eating on there own. They will recover really fast. the slurry you were making is great and as long as they have a warm spot. They will gain weight quickly with crickets and mealworms. I would offer silks also.
darn it!!

i am sooooo sorry for your loss:( I hope petstores all over the country read this and realize what they are doing to these innocent animals:mad:
Umfortunately I awoke to find he had passed in the night. So sad. I don't get why pet stores always wait till its too late. I'm so frustrated if I had been able to help him sooner I'm sure I could have saved him :(
My only solace is in knowing he got to feel some love for his last days and passed in a home that cared for him and not the lonely pet shop.
Thx everyone for your tips, care info and well wishes.
R.I.P lil Gex

So sorry to hear this. You are to be applauded, you gave it one heck of a try and like you said, at least his last couple days were with someone who truly cared.
Oh i'm so sorry the little one didn't make it. :(
He didn't die uncared for in some petshop though, which is far better.
Thank you all for the kind words. After this I have started a new program at the pet shop where all animals. Mainly reptiles will be weighed and if a 10% weight loss is seen action will be taken. Meaning I will be bringing them home to do what I can.
I am hoping this will give others a better chance at getting help before it is too late.
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I'm so sorry that your little guy lost the battle, but he did feel loved at the end of his life. This is a great thread for others - I had the same problem a year ago with 5 leos that I bought at a show, and one by one they all passed away. Wish I had this info then! And kudos to you with your new story policy - it sounds great and will make everyone be more hands on with the animals in their care!
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