Leo's (jann baby) free range & sunning enclosure


Established Member
this is the free range, sorry for the bad quality:eek:
cell phone 024.jpg


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Wow the outside one is awesome too! Aww, you'll have him soon and he will have your great cages to come to.
Nice job Christian. Leo will have two chameleon condos. The top one is open??? no screen? The outside one he might have to use after he grows a bit......I think he might could go right through the holes. :eek:
Yea, to second what Jann is saying, despite my Charlotte getting pretty big, she's still about as wide as a finger. So watch to see if he can get out the first time, and if he can, save that beautiful cage for him in a couple months.

They both look absolutely awesome! He's gonna love them!
the screen size is 1/2" wide but I will be their watching him just in case he tries to squeeze out anyways

the top is a free range

he will only be caged when I am asleep, he is outside ,or if I am not in the room
( his free range is in my bedroom so the door will be closed preventing my 2 CURIOUS golden retrievers from scaring Leo)

thank you for all the compliments

Jann I have been paying alot of attention of what people do that happen to have friendly chams.
What I noticed the most is a cham that is not caged and hand-fed/cup-fed
Is a friendlier less stressed out by your prescense cham
Jann I have been paying alot of attention of what people do that happen to have friendly chams.
What I noticed the most is a cham that is not caged and hand-fed/cup-fed
Is a friendlier less stressed out by your prescense cham

I think absolutely yes! The way I see it, it's like anything else you're comfortable with. If you're not scared of bananas, then seeing one every day all day is not going to matter one bit. Who cares, right? But on the other hand, try living on a boat with severe water phobia! You're going to be constantly in a state of alert and stress because the thing that scares you the most is always there and you can't get away from it.

Or look at a shy dog. Shy dogs are a heartbreak, because they are always constantly terrified of the very people that take care of them. Do you think a well socialized dog is happier? I would say so. And I think it's absolutely the same thing with any animal. The more comfortable you are with something (which in this case is friendliness towards people) then the calmer you are. And happier, I dare say.
wow, way to put it Olimpia

when I see people say that an aggressive cham is a healthy cham
It is kind of true because a sick cham wont fight back

but that aggressive cham must be stressed out all the time!!

I believe a cham can be friendly, I mean I would be pretty pissed off
If I had to stay in my room ALL THE TIME and I am pretty sure that is how
a cham feels believe it or not

afraid of bananas!! that is hilarious
I would be devastated because I love bananas
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