Lighting question


New Member
Hi...I have yet to get my chameleon but have all the stuff ready for one when he arrives. I have a light fixture that is using a Zoo Med 100 Watt Powersun bulb, that gives off UVB and heat. Is this sufficient/safe?
Thanks again for the info/advice!
Yes, that is good, but make sure you get a basking light too!

And I just want to make sure since you say you already have the stuff, how old is the bulb?
I would advise you to avoid the all in one mecury vapor basking / UVB bulbs, they are too strong for chameleons, especially young chams. This bulb could blind a young chameleon. Ideally, UVB and basking should be separated so chameleons can get UVB without basking.

You should get a linear fourescent UVB light (Arcadia T5HO or Reptisun 5.0 T8) and an simple incandescent basking bulb.
Yes follow deadhead. shelve that all in one for now (you can use it when he is bigger) and get a linear arcadia or repitsun.

When you want to use the powersun again, use and a normal basking light, so the cham can decide between uv and heat, instead of uv/heat or nothing.
I'll "third" that! You'll want your cham to be able to self regulate his UVB and basking. Great lighting as well as shelter when needed (in the form of foliage) is the key to success! I use an Arcadia 6% T5 HO for UVB along with 60 watt incandescent bulbs for basking in my veiled's setup.
Yes follow deadhead. shelve that all in one for now (you can use it when he is bigger) and get a linear arcadia or repitsun.

When you want to use the powersun again, use and a normal basking light, so the cham can decide between uv and heat, instead of uv/heat or nothing.


My bad! I didn't know there was a difference, I thought it was just a UVB bulb. Sorry for spreading bad advice, listen to the others! lol
In winer I sometimes switch a mercury vapor bulb for the incandescent, when it is a bit cooler, as the Cham stays under the basking spot nearly all the time. But my enclosure is large and UVB and Basking spots are a bit apart. But generally I do give mercury vapor lamps to our tortoises only.
HI...thank you for all the replies. I did have a 16" Repti Sun 5.0 flourescent on the cage before, but the light was so dim, I thought it was not strong enough. I have a plant in there too, so was not sure if it would work for both the cham and the ficus. But, it does sound like the Powersun is too much...I'll return it again (they are getting to know me at the store) and get the flourescent back. Will that one 5.0 tube give enough light for my ficus? The lower half of the cage seemed very dark.

Thanks again,
Thank you for your advice. I purchased a fixture at my local reptile store with a reptisun 5.0 tube, and the light was so dim. Does it need to be brighter to work? I noticed the fixture did not have a reflector on it. Can I just put foil in the lamp to make it reflect downwards?

Thanks again...
UVB bulbs, depending on type, don't usually emit a lot of light. That doesn't matter though, since they are there for the UVB output and little else. If you have plants, they will fair much better with a linear 6500k bulb or two, which should be used in a different fixture.
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