Liquid calcium?

The expiration date on Dilly liquid cacium script expires 18 months from dispensing date. 1481069844968-984117597.jpg
Hm. And did you all get yours from the vet? Because I want to get some more for Tony (not that he's sick or anything), but the vet that I go to said they were on back order because it was glass or something found in some of the orders (idk I'm no vet) so they don't know when they'll be getting more.
Hm. And did you all get yours from the vet? Because I want to get some more for Tony (not that he's sick or anything), but the vet that I go to said they were on back order because it was glass or something found in some of the orders (idk I'm no vet) so they don't know when they'll be getting more.
Everything I'm using came from the vet, OTC liquid calcium is apparently very dangerous for chams. They sent the script out to a compounding pharmacy, it was ready 2 days later. Maybe they have somewhere that they could send it out for you?
Everything I'm using came from the vet, OTC liquid calcium is apparently very dangerous for chams. They sent the script out to a compounding pharmacy, it was ready 2 days later. Maybe they have somewhere that they could send it out for you?

Oh wow I didn't know that. Yea maybe, I'm going to call and ask them. I mean they should be able to get calcium from elsewhere right? I mean their a vet, I don't see why it would be too much trouble. Lol.
Over the counter liquid calcium isn't premixed and unless you premix it perfectly it can cause burning of any reptile or fatality with heart stopping.
Over the counter liquid calcium isn't premixed and unless you premix it perfectly it can cause burning of any reptile or fatality with heart stopping.

Once again Andee your information is valuable, but I wasn't going to buy over the counter I was going to see if the vet could maybe order some from a different supplier or something.
I've heard bug protein is the future because it takes far less resources to produc ounce for ounce versus animal protein or even soy. I'm all for conservation of resources but eating bugs sounds like so much nope to me!
I guess just think about it this way, if it is the future all of us more or less know how to breed and take of our own. We're ahead of the market.
And besides, (Do not continue reading if you are squeamish) you likely already eat a lot more than you think :p. Not to mention the other stuff besides bugs...
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