New Member
Sorry to hear that happen, but happy the animals seemed to have survived alright.
All you can do is tell your friend that it seemed things didnt go well, and that you are dissappointed. Give an opportunity to have them appoligize and consider forgiving them (but dont forget, and dont rely on her again)
I completely agree. I was so exhausted from my trip that I fell asleep at 4 PM yesterday and slept for 18 hours. I still don't feel quite like myself. It's difficult to know "how to feel" after being so exhausted, and coming home to this kind of situation. I feel like I'm just "existing" right now, so I'm just taking it easy. I for sure won't forget. It might take me some time to forgive, but the day will come. I'm not going to hold onto this anger, it's unhealthy. I just care about my babies. If they're okay.. I'm okay.
I'd like to weigh in here as a "snake person". I have kept pythons and still do. I have a quite a few snakes, a few dogs, some leopard geckos, and ONE chameleon.
I'll say this, the chameleon takes a LOT more little work. I don't have a problem doing it but the extra time matters. I was pretty okay with the misting because I keep green tree pythons so spraying to drink I understood, multiple times a day.
But look at the difference, on just food alone. My chameleon is still young so I'm feeding him 2 meals a day (I find him gnawing on branches if I give him all the food at once). That's handling a bunch of little squirmy bugs, crickets more then worms, instead of laying a frozen thawed mouse on tongs. Not only that but that means your feeding the one chameleon 14 times a week, you feed snakes 1 time a week.
Chameleons are also funny in the sense that my guy goes to the same branch around 10 A.M. to poop. EVERYDAY he goes and poops, snakes poop usually once a week maybe two. The spot cleaning is a lot easier.
I love ALL my animals, and keep only reptiles I'm truly interested in. I know if I take a life into my hands I have to take care of him or her as well as I would myself. The little cham can't spray himself, I can go to the kitchen for water right now if I wanted. It all depends on the person, I'm watching my friends small reptile family as we speak. Fed and watered on time, and keep the poop out of the house. I wouldn't want poop all over my giant dining room NO SIR.![]()
That is a great post. I think you hit the nail right on the head. They are two totally different worlds. It would be like arguing that a dinosaur and a Chameleon are the same. Care for every species is different. Some require more attention and money than others. I did not expect the babysitters to understand, but I did expect them to follow directions. As I did for all of their species when I watched them last month.
Instead.. they threw a cup with 50 crickets in the Chameleon cage, and a huge water bowl in the Crested Gecko cage. All of this so they didn't have to stop by for 5 minutes once a day. The drip tray was about to overflow, crickets were not watered or fed, my gecko did not have any Crested Gecko Diet, etc. I just feel so awful that they didn't have what they needed for days.
Even though some species don't require as much time, you would still think almost anyone with multiple reptiles would understand. If you have 15+ snakes, amongst many other animals, don't you think that would require a lot of time? It just doesn't make sense... and maybe it's not supposed to. Maybe some people just do enough to keep their animals alive. If they have something better to do, they do it. I find that extremely sad and disgusting.
So, what are the "problem" health signs your animals are showing as of now? Have any pictures of the animals. This would be great for us to see what you see. You havent described anything to offer help on :/
Honestly, I don't think I could tell you much of anything. As I am in the dark too. I'm not sure what was given to them, and what wasn't. My Chameleon did seem very hungry yesterday, and the crickets in the cup weren't dusted. The crickets weren't gutloaded because they had no food or water when I got home. And I'm not even sure if he ate them. Since the Mistking and lights were on timers, I know that he most likely drank at was able to bask. So that's ruled out. I have not seen a fecal, and he poops every morning around 11 AM. So two days without a fecal. He did gag a little bit yesterday, but that's it.
He ate 4-5 Butterworms and Repashy Calcium Plus dusted crickets yesterday. He does not seem at all interested in the Butterworms today, and I have not given him crickets yet. He seems to be acting normal, and looks fine. Yesterday he had wrinkles on his skin towards his back. Limbs look okay.
I'm going to be watching him very closely this week. As everyone knows with Chameleons, they can hide any kind of illness fairly well. So I could be missing something, or problems could arise over the next few days. I will post if anything out of the ordinary happens. Here is a pic of him taken today. It's an Instagram pic, so I apologize for the filter.