Little crickets jumping??


Established Member
how high can 1/4-3/8 crickets jump? im working on a food cup for Reptar so he has a place he knows food is, and i cant tell if crickets are going to be able to jump out of the cup or not. Im thinking of using like a red party cup. I dont think its too big for him not to be able to shoot to the bottom, yet just tall enough so they cant get out, hopefully. Yesterday i put 5 or 6 in his cage and i think he only got 2 of them, little bastards are hard to see (at least for me) and they migrated south into the planters the ficus's are in and played in the dirt.

you think the red cup is ok for both Reptar and the cricks?
depends if your feeding them cricket crack :D

I use a cup that is about 6-7" tall and a full size cricket that doesn't have other crickets crawling on him, can scale the cup when his diet is cricket crack.

there is a DIY out there for feeder jugs, search around.
Haha of course they are getting cricket crack!

Those little punks are just so small and dont run up the screen or trees anywhere near Reptar. Thank god he is eating silkies :D
Mines 6 inches tall, usually after the crickets settle its enough height to keep them in.
foudn out today, little crickets, even on the crack, cannot jump out of a red party cup :) now all i have to do is get Reptar to show interest in the crickets in his cup and not the silkie i put in it :mad: he picked around most of the crickets to get the silkie, so today he at 4 worms and 4 dusted cricket... my little guy is an eater!
I think the material the cup is made out of is at least as important as the height.

I use white ceramic ramekins like the type you get sauce in at a restaurant. They are about 3" in diameter and maybe 1.5" tall.

Because the cups are slick even 3/4" crickets don't jump out.

Two other benefits are the weight and low center of gravity keep the cups from tipping and being white, Mel sees the brown crickets much easier.

well today Reptar got his 7 crix out of the cup without a problem at all. It has a white bottom too so he sees the crickets jumping around jsut fine. When the time comes ill find something that keeps the cricket in that will be able to jump out cuz the little guys makes it about 1/2 up the cup so im sure 1/2"+ crickets on the crack will have a chance at getting out. The tricket i figured is not to give him any silkies till hes hit the crix. Im almost convinced Reptar will knit you a sweater for silkies every day
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