Live Vines


New Member
Ok i have lots of live vines growin on my my trees in my back yard, is it ok to pull the down and use them in my enclosures?
What sort of vine? I thought it would be a cool idea as well but when I brought down the vines I got a rash from them, turns out they were poisonous....
i have no clue they have lots of arial roots coming off of them they look like hair lol...
If you don't know what it is, you won't be able to identify it to be able to tell if it's a good or bad plant to use.

I suggest not using it, in this case.

However, if you can get some pictures, perhaps someone else can tell you.
"Lots of aerial roots looking like hair" sounds an awful lot like poison ivy. It could be something else; it's not grapevine or Virginia creeper. Do an image search on poison ivy (poison oak, poison sumac; Toxicodendron) and compare what you have with it. You live somewhere poison ivy wouldn't surprise me.
Here ya go some pics sorry for quality taken from phone...


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  • vine 2.jpg
    vine 2.jpg
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check out the pics and tell me what you guys think it is?
Here is the pic gngorman. If you upload it to photobucket or another picture hosting site you can just copy the url to here using the insert picture icon. Anyhow, just wanted to help out since zip files may scare some people.
Sorry I can't help out with the ID...some leaves or flowers would help me out, but maybe there is a botanist out there!

I still think it looks like poison ivy but without the leaves I can't be positive. I am pretty sure though.

tough ID

I'm not sure without some leaf or at last a close-up of the buds and twig ends. A shot with leaves would be very valuable. Isn't it spring there in NC yet?

As some of the others have noted, Poison Ivy looks like a lot of other things when there are no leaves. I'm not sure if its even a risk for lizards, but it sure could be for the keeper... We don't have PI in the West, we have Poison Oak.
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