Lobster Roaches


A friend of mine has lobster roaches which she uses to feed her bearded dragons. As far as I know from her, they breed like crazy, are hardy, and are easily contained with some vaseline.

I'm thinking of getting some to add a little variety for my future veiled's diet, but do chams usually like lobsters? I've read around to find that people order roaches only to have their chameleons turn their noses up at them. Haven't see too much about the use of lobsters, though.
It is possible your chameleon may not take them but from my experiences they LOVE them. I dont have one chameleon right now that doesnt eat them. I would ask your friend for a few and give them a try.
Some chams will like them, others may be hesitant to try one. As mentioned, get a few from your friend to try out.
I'm gonna pick up a couple hundred to breed first in the next week or so. I won't have my cham for a little while though, but it's better to get prepared I guess.

These guys can be used as staples, right? Instead of crickets? I realize variety is best, though. :)
Yes roaches can be used as staples, though we recommend no one bug make up more than 40 percent of a chams diet.
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