Lombardi is back!!!

I am thrilled for you!

I was absolutely thrilled to read the happy outcome to this story this morning. I read your unhappy post the day it was done. I was so sad and depressed over what happened for you that I could not bring myself to post a response to your loss. Your post brought home to me again my own recent loss. Many of you know Otto, a beautiful male Veiled, that was formerly in Royden's keeping for a long time. Last June he was given to me by Royden so he could breed and spread his genes. I considered it a joint ownership. Well on the last Sunday in April he died from a bizarre accident with his tongue (I don't want to explain it on this thread). At some point in the near future Royden will be posting a tribute to Otto on the forum.

I have been so depressed over the loss that I have not been able to post the news here or spend much time looking at this forum. Royden and I have been corresponding over our mutual loss instead. This is the reason I could not post my sorrow over the loss of Lombardi after reading it.

Today I read the magnificant news of his return and how it was accomplished. I was and am thrilled! I also read all the other stuff that was written on the thread before and after his return. I can't believe the lack of compassion and rudeness displayed by one member in particular. I'm not a person who displays anger or expresses it much. I can't keep it in check today. I strongly feel that this one member in particular lacks the compassion and kindness towards chameleons to be of any productive use to this forum. I wish you would give any chams you have to a better home and spend all your time and money feeding the hungry people around the world instead.

This is a chameleon forum. The people here have a passion for chams and develop strong feelings for them. Anyone incapable of developing a strong feeling for one should not own one and should not participate here. Starving people are a separate issue. Please join a forum that is designed to help those people instead.

Oh, by the way, what have you actually done to help any of those starving people? Anything at all? My husband went to Tanzania and Zimbabwe several times a year for over a decade until his own recent major health issues made this impossible. He was an outdoor freak who likes to camp and live off the land for up to three weeks at a time. Each time he went he brought loads of clothes and much needed medical supplies that he collected here in the USA (he's a doctor). On one trip he took money and supplies that were used to set up a clinic in the bush to help mother's give birth safely and get some prenatal care. People over there don't even name their kids until they have survived for six months. Most die before they reach that age. He shared his food with those around him every day.

Those people are not just a statistic to throw around to my husband. He has personally seen the faces, heard the stories and seen the sorrow in person. He was was also truly devastated by my loss of Otto and felt real sorrow for SoCaliSon when I told him about the "loss" of Lombardi. He felt joy when I told him this morning that Lombardi had been found. This man who has actually done things personally for those "starving people" has deep feelings for my chameleons because he knows I love them so much. He has never dismissed my love for them or dismissed the importance of their lives in the "grand scheme of things". He would NEVER feel or say any of the rude and dismissive things that were said regarding Lombardi's temporary absence.

If you are not capable of sharing in the sorrow over someone's loss than keep your feelings to yourself and don't post. If you can't be silent you might as well just leave the forum for good. Once you express yourself in that manner nobody is going to listen to anything you have to offer about any other subject. You become irrelevant and someone to be avoided.

Hurray! Lombardi is back! I'm so happy for you!
Joe, Congratulations on the return of Lombardi, I am real happy for you and appreciate your thread on him. Whether or not your little man came back, I can tell by your posts that you care for your animals.
Whoa, this got intense.
I'm very glad Lombardi is back. I think it is great that hormones caused him to come out of hiding ;)
Living in Indiana and in the area we live (neighborhood with thieves and feral cats and dogs), our chams do not get to enjoy the sunshine often. When they go outside, we leave them in cages, and maybe this is the safer way to go about having them outside. Maybe look into buying a reptarium like the one we have for our female cham - it's HUGE, round, and it has a loop at the top so it can hang like a hanging basket of flowers. That way they are protected from birds AND ground animals that might snack on them!

P.S. For curiosity's sake alone, is there any information on damage that wild chameleons have done in Florida, Hawaii, and other warmer climates? I would be interested to see that. Living in IN, we don't exactly see them roaming around that often (I'm pretty sure my husband and I have the only three chameleons in the county!):)
I know I'll probably lose some reptuation points but...this debate could've been ended just as easily if those who were more "compassionate" understood that some people are attached to their animals in different ways. It isn't up to anyone to use one's lack of "compassion" for someone else's loss as a reason to be banned from the forums, rather we need to all understand that different cultures offer different opinions, rituals and/or approaches to losing life, animal or not.

With that being said, I fall for my animals more than most folks, and yes I've shed tears for the few animals I've lost over the years. I do care for my animals, all of them, with a great deal of respect and admiration. But my feelings dont need to be reflected from anyone else.

At any rate, I find this an extremely fascinating story. I'm very happy for you. I know the feeling of thinking an animal is gone forever only to reappear in your life again.

Congratulations and next time be careful! ;)

I know I'll probably lose some reptuation points but...this debate could've been ended just as easily if those who were more "compassionate" understood that some people are attached to their animals in different ways. It isn't up to anyone to use one's lack of "compassion" for someone else's loss as a reason to be banned from the forums, rather we need to all understand that different cultures offer different opinions, rituals and/or approaches to losing life, animal or not.

There are differences in cultures and rituals regarding the loss of life. I will give you that point. I'd flip that around though and say that it was up to those few people who did not share our feelings of sadness and loss (our "culture" and "ritual") and let us express our shared feelings in peace. That is where the lack of understanding occurred. Plain every day common sense should have prevented anyone from posting something negative about our sadness. Try to understand other cultures and rituals all you want. You will find that respect and kindness are universal.
And maybe sb is interested in that, I've offered Joe an excuse

An apology. :). Yes I did receive a nice PM from eisentrauti apologizing if he offended in any way. I think some points may have been mis-communicated. He is getting at valid points... I just think he is having a tough time expressing his thoughts as english is not his native language. I recieved a wonderful amount of well wishes and compassion from this thread and though it is not what I was looking for, It makes me feel really good that there are so many out there who really do care and can relate. I can't say thanks enough... We really do have the classiest forum on the net I have to say.

Thanks again everyone!

Catherine, and Royden I am so sorry to hear about Otto... He was an amazing looking Cham. Every time his shots pop up on the right side of the home page it catches my eye and I have to open it. One thing is for sure... He lived a great life with 2 amazing keepers.

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