Look who visited me last night!


Chameleon Enthusiast
A beautiful sweetie visited me last night. I think it was a g ravid female since she didn't try hard to escape or bite me and also didn't voice her bowels on me. I caught her by the garbage cans, showed mom real quick and then placed her by the recent puddle in the picture since the day had been hot. She drank for several minutes and ate a medium sized silk worm I tossed in front of her. She disappeared shortly after.
Alligator and bluebellu lizards are all over here at this time of year. It's so nice seeing them thrive ^^
You guys are lucky. We don't have a lot of natural species of turtles around here. I think there are maybe 2 or 3 and not talking about land ones.
That looks like some kind of skink, right? We have some pretty cool wildlife around here too, like box turtles and snapping turtles. I'd be more worried about a snapping turtle hitting me than my hitting it!
It is a northern ( I think) alligator lizard, they are relatively close cousins of skinks. The kind we have around here eat a lot of venomous spiders, garden pests, and some smaller vertebrates. The amount we have is a sign of a healthy garden for sure because they can be relatively territorial when food is scarce.
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