Looking to get back into chams


Hi all

Noob to the forums. I'm looking to get back into chams, so I'm here refreshing on the hobby and looking at new setups etc. I used to have a pair of veils, years ago when CiN was still active. They used to publish a breeders list, many of them were located in the SF Bay Area, my hope is to get another (unrelated pair) from a local hobbiest; Veils or Panthers.

Any suggestions on a local source? prefer the hobbiest over the larger stores.

I've purchased supplies from some of them before... But prefer the local hobbiest for purchases like this, they know the lineage of their stock, and (most) keep records.

I did the same with my Rhacs & Snakes.
I've purchased supplies from some of them before... But prefer the local hobbiest for purchases like this, they know the lineage of their stock, and (most) keep records.

I did the same with my Rhacs & Snakes.

Most local pet stores, like PetCo, PetSmart, and a family owned one near me can have trouble keeping healthy chams, but if you know that they do keep them healthy then go ahead, only you can really know what you have local though.
Most local pet stores, like PetCo, PetSmart, and a family owned one near me can have trouble keeping healthy chams, but if you know that they do keep them healthy then go ahead, only you can really know what you have local though.

That's why I am asking :) my last breeders list is over 10yrs old. My veild I picked up from a guy in San Mateo. The "Big" Box pet stores dont know squat. An example I actually has a clerk try and tell me how beneficial crix were to my leachies... and that I had to supplement them :rolleyes:
Welcome back to the addictive world of chameleons! There are some great hobbiest breeders in Cali - I'm sure you will find plenty to choose from.
Welcome back, we do have a few good people in your area. Just hang out or look at threads 4 or 5 months old of people hatching babies in your area.
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I am from the East Bay as well.
Have you been to the East Bay Vavarium?
It's a really cool store.
I use them for feeders and supplies but their Cham section just doesn't do it for me.
The sponsors here are just in league of their own.
My next Cham will no doubt come from one of them.
Good luck.
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