Looking to upgrade cage to x-large reptibreeze, do I need a stronger UVB light? (pic)


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Recently my two chams have become very restless in their medium reptibreeze cages, and they're getting to that age where they need more room!

Right now, both have a coil 5.0 UVB light and a 60W housebulb for basking (will lower wattage for Summer). Should I consider getting a 10.0 linear bulb? I'm concerned they won't absorb enough UVB in that large cage with just a 5.0 and a dome.

Any advice would be great! Thank you!:)


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I'd use either a 12% tube or im currently using a Arcadia d3 basking bulb
A lot of people say you don't need that strong of uv but the screen filters nearly 50% of it anyway so it works out well
5.0 should b fine bc the uvb will only reach 12in or so regardless cage size...possible may need stronger basking depending on room temp....if ur cham gets close a 12.0 arcadia or 10 zoomed you could fry him a lil aka sunburn...you could upgrade to the arcadia 6.0 from lightyourreptiles just got it seems to be working great
5.0 should b fine bc the uvb will only reach 12in or so regardless cage size...possible may need stronger basking depending on room temp....if ur cham gets close a 12.0 arcadia or 10 zoomed you could fry him a lil aka sunburn...you could upgrade to the arcadia 6.0 from lightyourreptiles just got it seems to be working great

That is not true. The intensity of the bulb (5.0 or 10.0 or whatever you are using) definitely has an effect on the distance the light penetrates into the cage. Also, I have used 12 % from Arcadia for years and have never seen anything that even comes close to looking like a "sun burn."
Also, to the OP you definitely should upgrade from the coil lights. THey are great for smaller cages; however, they do not provide enough light for a larger cage. I would definitely recommend the arcadia lights as an upgrade. They are extremely high quality, and (the High Output bulbs in particular) they noticeably enhance color and plant growth in the cage!
That is not true. The intensity of the bulb (5.0 or 10.0 or whatever you are using) definitely has an effect on the distance the light penetrates into the cage. Also, I have used 12 % from Arcadia for years and have never seen anything that even comes close to looking like a "sun burn."

What does 12% mean exactly? is 5.0 & 10.0 percentages? (sorry if thats a silly question). Considering the larger cage, would a tube bulb be more effective? How far under the light is your highest UVB basking point? I definitely don't want to cause them any issues. Thank you for your input.
That is not true. The intensity of the bulb (5.0 or 10.0 or whatever you are using) definitely has an effect on the distance the light penetrates into the cage. Also, I have used 12 % from Arcadia for years and have never seen anything that even comes close to looking like a "sun burn."

Also, to the OP you definitely should upgrade from the coil lights. THey are great for smaller cages; however, they do not provide enough light for a larger cage. I would definitely recommend the arcadia lights as an upgrade. They are extremely high quality, and (the High Output bulbs in particular) they noticeably enhance color and plant growth in the cage!

Okay I will invest in linear bulbs for them, what do you mean high output bulbs? What bulb would you suggest? They sound great... My plants would love them too aha
What does 12% mean exactly? is 5.0 & 10.0 percentages? (sorry if thats a silly question). Considering the larger cage, would a tube bulb be more effective? How far under the light is your highest UVB basking point? I definitely don't want to cause them any issues. Thank you for your input.

Yes, the 5.0 and 10.0 are percentages, and they refer to the intensity of the light that the bulb produces. And, yes, with a larger cage a tube bulb is far more effective. I have had both 6 % and 12 % HO bulbs on all my cages for a few years now and I would swear by the 12 %.

My basking spots are each around 8 inches from the UV bulbs. In the past, there have been some issues with the 10.0's being a little hard on the chameleon's eyes, but they have since fixed this issue and there have not been any complaints since.
Would consider LLLreptile or DIYcages also. Every reptibreeze I have had has rusted screws and hinges in under 3 months. The others, never.
Thank you for the great info ChamMan7, I'll look into those bulbs.

Hi Turningdoc, I don't think I've had my cages long enough to notice rust, but thats definitely somethign I do not want, especially in the cage they'll have forever. DIY cages does not ship to canada unfortunately, and I think LLL add a big fee to shipping because it's considered a large package. Thank you for the info though

Recently my two chams have become very restless in their medium reptibreeze cages, and they're getting to that age where they need more room!

Right now, both have a coil 5.0 UVB light and a 60W housebulb for basking (will lower wattage for Summer). Should I consider getting a 10.0 linear bulb? I'm concerned they won't absorb enough UVB in that large cage with just a 5.0 and a dome.

Any advice would be great! Thank you!:)


Check this out and then you can decide what is best! :)


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