Lost Chameleon in house!


my male got out one afternoon, and when i came home form school i was TERRIFIED, i thought for sure my cat had eaten him (despite the fact that the door to my room was shut and teh cat was sound asleep in the basement!)!
after some frantic searching we found him (in my room), he had climbed a lamp and was litterally ON the ceiling by a window!! it took about 5 hours for us to find him, and my rooms not that big... it was weird becasue it seemed like our eyes just passed right over him (gee, not liek we were searching for a CHAMELEON or anything ;))! Im sure youll find him soon, and good luck!
Good idea is to get on a chair lor stool and look from the point of view of a light fixture - it's easier to see them sometimes from a different perspective.

Also - they do the "stick" thing a lot when out - I used to find them behind wires, it was maddening.
could he be in camaflouge mode and you just cant see him up against something?

I know this seems like a silly suggestion, but could he be in a camaflouge coloration and just sitting somewhere very still against a same color background and you're just not spotting him? look up in high spots, found mine in just that way once, he was there the whole time i just couldn't see him against the background he was curled up on lol

Hi everybody!

Right now, I'm a little bit frantic....We allow our 2 year old Veiled to free roam in our house for 2-3 hours daily since he is big enough and he's easy to find and he's very hard for him to squeeze into small crevices..etc. due to his casque height and overall body size.
It's been one day already and I am searched high and low thruoughout our house!! No front or back outdoor doors are open to allow him to get outside! Even the door leading out to our garage is also closed.

Has anybody lost their Chameleon in the house and have found it over a time period of time??
I'm not so worried about him getting depleted because he's not eating now....He's slightly obese so hopefully that will help him survive....I'm just so nervous regarding hydration....not getting any water now. We live in Southern CA . We do set our air-conditioner to turn off at 78 degrees but it still gets quite warm inside our house.

So, I continue looking and searching everywhere....It's like he vanished in thin air!! Any encouragement or tips would be greatly appreciated!

Lol even though this was years ago... I've found lost crested geckos in my printer, my subwoofer, and under a piece of paper under my bed. They get into little places so if you guys lose chams don't hesitate to look in weird places.
I really hope you find him. It's why i don't free range...My last Panther was wondering the house for an hour once. Took a walk and managed to find his way outside anyway, past my 2 cats and 3 dogs and 8 feet up the neighbors tree. Took 2 days to find him. Never would have had he not been bright blue!!! Last time I turned him loose without watching him like a hawk. So keep looking!!! He has to be somewhere!!
good luck.. I wish you the best of luck.. I too have lost mine a few times... they always seem to show up it seems, providing they don't get outside that is..
they probably did usually people keeep posting when they cant find thier cham. luckly myand onto my lamp which is like one of those ones with like 5 lights thats really really tall. he didnt stop moving haha the baby moniter we have hooked up showed him moving like the whole time. i would hate to have a baby or pgymy chameleon get loose tho. chameleon has only got out once and he just climbed the side of his cage across my bed also just a little advice to people who have small chameleons if u have a door that has a lift under it you can buy these cheap rubber linings for like $2 at lowes that just screw onto a door so your cham cant get under. we had to do this with my beardy at my moms he was big too but he still managed to get under my door and into the bathroom to scare the crap out of my mom.
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