Luie & Camille babies 8 weeks old


Chameleon Enthusiast
Another week has flown by and the babies are now eight weeks old. I wish time would slow down. I'll have to sent them all off to their wonderful new homes soon. They are all just so sweet and I love everyone of them!

Here's some pictures of them outside this evening and a few short videos.

Basking in the sun

Begging to get out of the baby bin

Basking in the cage







This is what the babies did when they saw their daddy




Jasper standing tall
babies8weeksoldmay222010105.jpg sweet!


How cute, all of them gaping at their dad!

Today finally Charlotte felt comfortable enough with me to climb on my hand completely of her own accord :D And we spent a little while outside this afternoon too. She's such a doll, she's even convincing my friend who is terrified of chameleons that they can be really cute!
Wow, that pose of Jasper is priceless!! The expression on that face.
Babies are growing and looking good.
Thank you all for looking and for all the kind words and comments.

You guys have got to chill and just wait. I want to keep these babies with me for just as long as I can. :) Each one is just so sweet and just bubbling with personality.

Brandon, that little guy is not spoken for, if I can find him again. I only have 4 or 5 special request......most just wont me to send them one. They are all extremely friendly and just full of personility. They are all beautiful and show different colors in different lighting all the time.

Bradley I will not be able to keep one. I wish I could keep them all but I only believe in free ranging and have a VERY SMALL house and would not want to have to keep one in a cage.
Jann, they are growing up so fast... they look like little mini chams.... :D

thanks for posting the pics and keeping all of us expectant parents posted!!!!! i guess we are all getting kinda antsy!!!:D

Jann they all look great! Thanks for the videos and pictures. We love those baby chams.

Oh Heather..not only will i keep an eye on Laurie, i would keep your alarm system on. Mwahahahah Mwahahah:D:p
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