Making your own gutload


New Member
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone of you guys make your own gutload for your feeders?

Im not talking about dropping a piece of fruit or veggie in. Im talking about making a special blend of things. Ive read some articles online, but rather would hear from you guys personally.

What works best for you guys?

dry blend?

Input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
SandraChameleon has a recipe or two!!:D Mine has 31 ingredients, so it is quite expensive and it is difficult to find some of the items.

I have 2 types of recipee.
dry and wet.
But, like Nick, it contains lots of ingredients.
PS. I just use Crushed eggshell, cornmeal, oatmeal, some repcal and fruit.

Crushed eggshell is a very good thing. I take a Dubia roach and wet their underside, and than dunk in crushed/powder eggshells, and feed to my chams every so often. If you have a hard time getting the egg shells to stick with water, you can dab a little honey on the roach and sprinkle on.


PS. I just use Crushed eggshell, cornmeal, oatmeal, some repcal and fruit.

crushed eggshells? is it all even parts?

I am working on a wet gutload recipe, I still have some kinks to workout. But so far, it lasts for quite awhile and my feeders love it. Here is a link to my blog about it

Thanks! imma try this out this weekend.

the reason why I ask is because I have a colony of dubias and I rather not feed them dog/cat food.
Good call on not using dog/cat food with the roaches youre going to feed off to the chameleons. Making your own gutload is easy. What you ultimately decide to feed your insects should be tailored to the needs of your particular chameleons.

Here is what I do:

If I had to pick my top 5 favourite ingredients, they'd be: dandelion leaves; yam; squash; bee pollen; seaweed

edit: If you've not already read it, I think this is a good article:
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for the "wet" gutload, is it ok if I just blend all the ingredients together? if so, how long is the shelf life on that?

You could, but I wouldnt bother. Just use one or two at a time. Change which ones you use now and then (I use a different one or two pretty much every time I change out the food, so that's like four different things a week).
Shelf life of uncooked yam or dandelion leaves is longer than most fruits.
Avoid freezing and cooking as that can damage some vitamins
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