Male panther with dull colours.

by the way this is a really nice masoala,


note: click the link go to the bottom of the page and read cham25s post, it isnt proof but helps in what i was saying
That is probably more likely than assuming its alocale that isn't in the UK. Plus it has a crisp white line like an Ank and a red bars pattern. Maybe the mix of yellowish red from the red bar and pink from the Ank gave it the appearance of an east coast locale. It does have ankaramy features like the white line and the facial structure but just not the ankaramy color. Plus the dorsal spines do kinda look to have that light blue tint that you see in ankaramys. I'd say you are probably right.
Cheers guys for your outstanding help.still no closer to pin pointing the locale .Apart from it being eastern region still grabbing at straws really.
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