SliK JiM
New Member
The enclosure looks good. I would try and mate the basking site a horizontal but it shouldn't really make much of a difference.
From the pictures he looks ok. The eyes look better than they did a few days ago, but maybe they look slightly 'sunken' which indicates a lack of water. He doesn't look particularly underweight, so I'd try increasing his mistings so that he has a really good soak and you see him finish drinking {this could take a long time! He will probably run away when he's had his fill}.
Putting chameleons in the shower can also be a good idea as this will give them a really thorough soaking. Just set a plant in the shower place him on it and set the water to a lukewarm temperature and leave him for a few minutes. Obviously not too warm or cold. I've never done it personally, but search the site and I'm sure there'll be a thread about it!
From the pictures he looks ok. The eyes look better than they did a few days ago, but maybe they look slightly 'sunken' which indicates a lack of water. He doesn't look particularly underweight, so I'd try increasing his mistings so that he has a really good soak and you see him finish drinking {this could take a long time! He will probably run away when he's had his fill}.
Putting chameleons in the shower can also be a good idea as this will give them a really thorough soaking. Just set a plant in the shower place him on it and set the water to a lukewarm temperature and leave him for a few minutes. Obviously not too warm or cold. I've never done it personally, but search the site and I'm sure there'll be a thread about it!