Male veiled chameleon hunger strike

The enclosure looks good. I would try and mate the basking site a horizontal but it shouldn't really make much of a difference.

From the pictures he looks ok. The eyes look better than they did a few days ago, but maybe they look slightly 'sunken' which indicates a lack of water. He doesn't look particularly underweight, so I'd try increasing his mistings so that he has a really good soak and you see him finish drinking {this could take a long time! He will probably run away when he's had his fill}.

Putting chameleons in the shower can also be a good idea as this will give them a really thorough soaking. Just set a plant in the shower place him on it and set the water to a lukewarm temperature and leave him for a few minutes. Obviously not too warm or cold. I've never done it personally, but search the site and I'm sure there'll be a thread about it!
ok I have ignored him as much as posible for the last 2 days, and I'm going to leave a bowl of 4 dubia and 4 super worm in his cage, gut loaded with apple, romaine and bug burger.

I hope he eats them. I also modified a tupperware container with a piece of reptile carpet, to the end of my fogger, in hopes of sort of creating a rain head, by collecting fog and condensing it. Not really working. But it still may drip some, which will be an added bonus! I have it the reptifogger set to low, and just running it 24/7

Any joy?

I see what you've attempted with the fogger but i don't think it'll have the desired effect! Plus, i wouldn't run it 24/7 as it'll effect temps and humidity massively. I would really try a shower asap if you don't have the facilities to run a good misting session.
yeah the fogger thing doesnt really work. Once the material becomes saturated the fog can no longer get through at all, and it stops working.
ok you dont supplement her like that katilemons, you have to get them herptivite at least once a week, preferably 2-3 times per week, calcium you give every other day with or without D3 it all depends on what you think about artificial d3 supplementation, rotation is good.
Went out and bought a dozen crickets.

He ate two crickets dusted with calcium w/o d3, and one horn worm today. Better than nothing.
Sounds fine then mate. If he's taking something then e has no issues with the food! I wouldn't worry too much. Just give him a good shower this weekend and keep food intake low. He'll get his appetite back soon!
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