Male veiled enclosure

But there are various other plants that work well too. With veileds I personally would never use a fivus due to the nausea it can cause if the sap is ingested. I use it in my other cages, pothos are good and easily grow in low light. I also particularly love cammelia plants for veileds, but generally finding one of decent size can be a bit of a hassle for sure. Definitely worth the random buy and expense if you happen to run across one though.
Do you know anywhere that sells decent sized pothos plants? Preferably one with a stake in the center for it to vine up?
If you can find that type of schefflera I posted in the kind of bonsai style (don't actively look for one marked bonsai, you are usually just paying for that then) those schefflera are seriously amazing because they grow thick branches in the center and become like a shrub in denseness. In my really happy plants I have actually had to thin them. Pothos you usually only can find in hanging varieties but once they are in a chameleon enclosure usually start growing like weeds. Fuschia are good too. I have fed them to tortoises and they are on the safe list. They are shrubby plants with wood like branches and bright pink/purple flowers. Absolutely amazing especially if you train them right.
You could do honeysuckle but that would require tons of work in the beginning and have to do with a... Trellis kind of in the cage. But God it'd smell amazing and is completely edible. Jasmine is safe too. Idk how much training you would have to do with that. Supposedly Indian Hawthorne is safe... On the FL chams list, idk if it's OK for veileds because of the eating habits. Might want to research this a bit. But these are almost impossible to kill and grow like weeds. You would have to likely do regular thinning though
If you can find that type of schefflera I posted in the kind of bonsai style (don't actively look for one marked bonsai, you are usually just paying for that then) those schefflera are seriously amazing because they grow thick branches in the center and become like a shrub in denseness. In my really happy plants I have actually had to thin them. Pothos you usually only can find in hanging varieties but once they are in a chameleon enclosure usually start growing like weeds. Fuschia are good too. I have fed them to tortoises and they are on the safe list. They are shrubby plants with wood like branches and bright pink/purple flowers. Absolutely amazing especially if you train them right.
Awesome I'll go look again later. Thanks!!
Do you still have that particular umbrella tree/schefflera in the cage? If so I would remove it immediately. If I am correct that is the schefflera that is considered completely unsafe. The schefflera that is normally used can also be toxic if eaten in huge quantities, but the amount veileds eat never seem to bother them with type of plant. But the type of schefflera I saw in your picture is never considered safe to use.
Is this the right type of umbrella tree?


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