Male Vs Female Veiled Chameleon.


New Member
I have a Jackson's chameleon that we were easily able to sex, but we aren't really sure how to sex a veiled, we think ours we just got might not be a male like the people said, what ways are there to tell in a 1 year old other than the "bump" under their tail? I recently heard about spurs that would be on their back legs and I looked and didn't notice anything?
Its on the back of their back feet. If you see a little bump where the foot splits then its a boy, if no bump, then you have a girl.
Most veileds are very easy to sex. The males should have a small knobby projection or spur on the back of their hind feet right where the inside and outside toes diverge. Check the forum....there should be many photos of this spur.
Pic 1 is my female Pic 2 is my male
I put them up to help the OP with telling the difference between male and female veileds. Not only the spurs, but the colour pattens and the size and shape casques
I put them up to help the OP with telling the difference between male and female veileds. Not only the spurs, but the colour pattens and the size and shape casques
Paschal looks like your female, the owners before me had Paschal for a few months and I didn't think they were right in saying male
Yup, that's a little girl.
That actually makes me happy <3 i've wanted a girl, we got her from someone on our town's swap page and they knew nothing about chameleons and therefore weren't taking very good care of her so we got her and was told she was a he and we were stuck with two boys, I was a little sad. Now we have a male and female (not that we will try breeding since theyre different types and plus one is just a few months old lol)
Paschal looks like your female, the owners before me had Paschal for a few months and I didn't think they were right in saying male

Good thing you have resources like this to help, poor thing would have had issues once she needed to lay eggs. Cool thing about veilds is that you can tell the sex right out of the egg. the spurs are visible from day 1
Good thing you have resources like this to help, poor thing would have had issues once she needed to lay eggs. Cool thing about veilds is that you can tell the sex right out of the egg. the spurs are visible from day 1
I talked to old owners, they said she is a year old, but they only had her 3 months, so they never knew for sure gender. When would I expect her to lay eggs? And what all do I need to do? Both of our other reptiles are males so I have no clue
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