Mantis babies are hatching!!!

pretty sure they will climb that no problem as nymphs, unless its magic praying mantis proof packing tape, lol

Lol it was just a suggestion... I have heard other ppl use it to keep insects from escaping, but these are my first mantis'. They will be going into deli cups soon .
I can see this ending badly. My wife is going to find some in our bed and my easy life as I know it will be over:p I'm still going to feed them off and get plenty of video before that happens
I have had some "cooking" for a good few months. The first one hatched while I was in CA, the second one hatched Saturday so they are coming along. My baby mellers like mantis.:D:D

Every time i see the words baby mellers. I perk up and pay attention!!! I want one!! And im not going to settle! i know ill find a CB baby one of these days!
they climb better than monkeys on crack!! they can also run, so they move and climb quite quickly, lol..i love mantids tho, hard to feed them off (i just ordered an idolomantis diabolica from ireland as a pet :D )

A guy at our reptile show in kalamazoo had them as pets. He said they loved him and would just sit on his shoulder watching everything.
I can see this ending badly. My wife is going to find some in our bed and my easy life as I know it will be over:p I'm still going to feed them off and get plenty of video before that happens

Lol too funny. I hate stumbling across even a cricket out of the bin.
A guy at our reptile show in kalamazoo had them as pets. He said they loved him and would just sit on his shoulder watching everything.

my violin mantid loves me, is sketchy with anyone but me
drinks and eats by hand, pretty cool "aliens among us"!!:D
So most of the mantis drowned, I pulled all of them out of the water and put them on a dry paper towel. Cleaned, dried and put them back in the tank and turned on the heating pad. Some of them are up and moving now. There is only about 20 that lived out of like 150
Its a mantis massacre!
That sucks man:(
But at least you still have some. :p
My chams love them, Im sure yours will too.;)
Man, what a bummer! I have that happen with my pinheads occasionally just from condensation. To wait all that time really sucks. Hopefully you can keep a few alive to get another ooth or 2
Its a mantis massacre!
That sucks man:(
But at least you still have some. :p
My chams love them, Im sure yours will too.;)

lol yeah it does.. I have one more ooth to get it right though. I think ill just hatch it in a deli cup this time. Any idea how long they will take to get to meal-worthy size?
lol yeah it does.. I have one more ooth to get it right though. I think ill just hatch it in a deli cup this time. Any idea how long they will take to get to meal-worthy size?

I find mine fully grown outside:eek:
I found a few ooths, but they never hatched.
It would depend on what type of mantid, and how much they have to eat I would think. I dont know though sorry:confused:
If you have any "micro fauna" in your viv, throw a few in, and let them chow down:p
As long as you only mist them a teensy bit, they should be fine. They don't need drops bigger than a pin-head to drink from, and will (IME) usually get enough water from just eating other bugs.

As for feeding to babies, go buy some plastic window screen and cut some out to the size of the baby containers. Set them on top after throwing the mantids in, OR get some pantyhose and stretch it around the top while they are eating. Mine usually die before getting more than 10 feet away from the tub, but my house is kinda (really, really) dry.

Under ideal conditions, Chinese mantids will become adults in a few months (about 3 in my care.)
I find mine fully grown outside:eek:
I found a few ooths, but they never hatched.
It would depend on what type of mantid, and how much they have to eat I would think. I dont know though sorry:confused:
If you have any "micro fauna" in your viv, throw a few in, and let them chow down:p
I do have tropical springtails in my viv! Ill throw a little bit of the substrate in there( Will probably contain a couple hundred springtails), Great Idea!:D I do have ff too but they seem too big..

As long as you only mist them a teensy bit, they should be fine. They don't need drops bigger than a pin-head to drink from, and will (IME) usually get enough water from just eating other bugs.

As for feeding to babies, go buy some plastic window screen and cut some out to the size of the baby containers. Set them on top after throwing the mantids in, OR get some pantyhose and stretch it around the top while they are eating. Mine usually die before getting more than 10 feet away from the tub, but my house is kinda (really, really) dry.

Under ideal conditions, Chinese mantids will become adults in a few months (about 3 in my care.)
So would a heating pad under their tank be bad?

I had a sudden outbreak of, well just little black fly things, after I brought some micro foliage in from outside. It got really bad. My first thought was to order some mantids to take care of them, but I had my temps go down to 48F briefly, and it killed them off:cool:
I am hoping to be able to find wild mantids here in NC, seems like I would be able to with all the bushery. I havnt been able to find an ootheca so far though.
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