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last summer there were a couple of threads started by people looking to obtain chinese mantis ooths just after the season had ended. commercially available ooths can be hard to come by jun-dec. most of the commercial mantis ooth suppliers use the same regimen for breeding and/or collecting chinese and european mantis ooths, which results in a season of such. so i just thought i would post a reminder for those that may be interested. most suppliers of chinese/european mantis ooths typically have them available only from dec through june/july. i have yet to find them regularly available from any commercial suppliers year around. so for those that are interested, now is the best time to get them. mantis ooths can be kept from hatching by keeping them cool (45-55*). since they are so cheap, if a person was so inclined, they could get a dozen or so ooths now and just hatch one a month and once they got started, would have a nonstop supply of mantis available right up till next years season. during season commercially available ooth can be had from dozens of online suppliers and even sometimes found on ebay. just for reference they can be had from; http://www.naturescontrol.com/ they also supply a list of local dealers. mantis ooths of varying varieties can often be found off season in the classifieds of mantidforum.net most chams love mantis. chams that have gone on hunger strikes will often take mantis, while refusing other foods. chinese mantis are easy to raise and people who have had problems raising crickets or other feeders may want to give them a try. newly hatched chinese mantis are one of the better food offerings for newly born neonates, but you need to plan ahead, if you wait until you need them, it will be too late. adult/semi adult mantis make great feeders for larger chams too. chinese mantis can be grown to a substantial size in about 6 weeks and can reach a size of 3-5" in about 3 months. mantis also make great and interesting low maintenence pets in their own right. these were at about 10 weeks https://www.chameleonforums.com/mantis-update-41137/ jmo
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