
Glad to hear that there is some progress. Like it has been stated before, it won't heal overnight. This will be a long process especially with the extent of the damage as you have seen in the xrays. I hope you can continue to help the little guy improve! Thank you for doing what you can to help him. It means a lot to our community of cham lovers!

My little one is growing stronger every day! How do I know when I can stop forcing him to drink and eat? Do chameleons drink from a bowl or what? How do I feed him? I have dead crickets that I have been force feeding but should I just leave some in the tank to see if he'll eat?

Thanks for the support, I finally feel he or she will make it!
Oh I'm so happy! :)
Can you get a dripper for him?( from his colours I'm pretty sure he is a boy).
They don't drink from a bowl. Give him small live crickets dusted with calcium no D3. I hope he will eat soon by himself! And small live hornworms, silkworms if you can get some. All dusted with calcium. He will need multivitamin with D3 soon too. It means, that for one day you dust the feeders with both the calcium and multi with D3.
I am so glad. I really hope he will be great soon! You did a great job and thank you for beliving him and giving him a chance!

Oh if uou try to show him a live worm and he goes for it and can catch, then he is ready to hunt. But I suggest to use feeding cup, so he has mors chance to catch the crix.
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