Meanie Head


Avid Member
It's been a while since I've posted this guy.

This is also posted as a reminder to never let your chameleons get too close to a light.
Fortunately, the guy had given him to me close to the end of his silvadene treatments.. and he is doing well, now. He is really good at his stick impression.

No worries, he was monitored on this bush. He did not ingest any plant matter, before anyone asks, and was fed beforehand to hopefully ease the urge to do so. :rolleyes:


Side view to show healed burn


He is good at climbing, I almost lost him for a minute!


Frontal view (how thin can these guys get? :eek: He has scared me before!)

If it wasnt for the burn, he stills looks amazing, i like the dark green/ turquoise color spots...and the name cracks me up:p

Glad he is doing better and got some sun...

Even though he is a "meanie head" was it easy to hold him?
It was easier than usual, but not before he hissed and gaped for a good few minutes. He ended up scaring away my 2 year old niece! :D

On the last picture I tried to adjust it to get it to his real colors, but only succeeded in making the sky a really pretty blue. :rolleyes:

He is due for a check up soon. He is getting back into the habit of only wanting superworms and it is bothering me. Siiiiiigh.
It was easier than usual, but not before he hissed and gaped for a good few minutes. He ended up scaring away my 2 year old niece! :D

On the last picture I tried to adjust it to get it to his real colors, but only succeeded in making the sky a really pretty blue. :rolleyes:

He is due for a check up soon. He is getting back into the habit of only wanting superworms and it is bothering me. Siiiiiigh.

Thats funny:p

i guess you have a "synical" cham for a so called "synical" person:cool:

hope for the best Syn with the vet visit, and my guess he will come back in the habit of eating whatever you give him, i hope:rolleyes::p
Ouch poor guy, looks like that burn really hurt back when it happened. Can't imagine how long he sat under that light roasting his back off. Siiiiighhh... At least he's in great hands now!

He looks great now!
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Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I am hoping he starts eating everything again, but he does have his picky moments. No harm with supers unless he starts getting icky fecals. We will see as time goes by!

From what I was told (and remember) he was in a screen cage, the basking spot wasn't over 90F, but he just sat there for a long time. You don't really notice things right away either, if you are giving them their space... I can't remember much other than that but the guy does PDFs so was used to their temperatures. He also had some issues with his nails, but other than that he was in good shape.
From what I was told (and remember) he was in a screen cage, the basking spot wasn't over 90F, but he just sat there for a long time. You don't really notice things right away either, if you are giving them their space... I can't remember much other than that but the guy does PDFs so was used to their temperatures. He also had some issues with his nails, but other than that he was in good shape.

You don't notice the smell of cooked chicken? :rolleyes: How terrible lol Poor little guy, it's incredible that they don't really realize that they're burning themselves. My roommate had an iguana that was roasting herself on a rock under the basking spot, and we didn't notice until she was going into the vet for something else that we realize her stomach was all scarred from burns.
Smells like chicken, huh? Mmmmm. :)

Sorry to hear about the iguana. Sometimes things like that happen.
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