Meet Helmut


Chameleon Enthusiast
When I was looking at the new Kenyan shipment at Reptile Pets Direct, there was a very heavily gravid Trioceros Hoehnelii (have I got the name right???) looking miserable hanging off the ceiling on her cage. She broke my heart, so of course she came home with me. Here's the male I also brought home. Heidi--such original names!--made her way into the middle of an asparagus fern and drank a lot. No pictures of her yet.

I know nothing about this species other than these came from Kenya. I've heard/read they are live bearers and I've also heard/read they are egg layers. Does anyone have any information on them? The poor female looks like she might lay any day so I desperately need to get her someplace she will be happy with.

Joel is a very bad influence on me! :)

Helmut...great choice!!

I think we both came home with species we weren't intending on coming home with! You pushed me to the sternfeldi ...I pushed you to the hoehnelii. Lol

You might have come home with different species, but I wasn't expecting to be bringing home any at all!
Ha!!! You knew better!!

Not true at all!

I wanted only graciliors and just for fun one of those funny little chameleons from South Africa, Bradypodion themnobates. Do they look like Natal Midlands dwarf chameleons to you???? No, totally unexpected. Maybe next time you come and we go have a look I'll just sit in the car and wait!

Wasn't that convenient the baby quads shipped out the night before and freed up a cage for Helmut and Daisy. ;)
Well in all reality I wasn't planning on bringing anything home but my Melleri and maybe some brevicornis if he had any.

So, I guess we are both in the same boat. I am glad you had an empty cage for them though.

Hoehnelii this time and maybe we will find you some thamnobates next time!!!
Congrats. Beautiful. They are not egg layers. You may go one morning to check on her and have lots of babies around the plants :)
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