Mel the melleri

Mel enjoying his morning misting.
Mel is shedding again as of this morning and is 21 gm. I still can't get him to eat anything but flies. Once summer hits I'm going to collect katydids and grasshoppers. It looks like they're easy to breed and maybe they'll be enticing to him. I know the others like them.
How big is he? Like can you get a picture at all, next to like a dollar bill? Might help represent why he's so interested in flies... Especially if he's smaller still I find babies harder to feel with anything that's not a fly or not green and fast moving. (not even just talking about mellers as we know I haven't had the chance to raise them yet) Especially since when they are really little, it's hard to make them hungry enough to be able to make them take anything else without worrying about their general health.
I definitely wouldn't go more than a day without feeding to make him hungry enough to try new feeders (even that long may work because honestly at that age Mellers are eating machines from what I understand?) Have you tried crickets at all?
He eats everyday and I go through about 500 flies a month. I haven't tried crickets. I'm not really worried about him eating only flies, Joel said that's not unusual for them.
Might want to try green banana roaches too? They are bright green and fly? Dunno if you can get them where you live?
Loving the melleri dribbles! He's got attitude alright,
Loving the black white black white spots on his chinny chin chin too. Very neat.
I ran out of flies and I'm waiting for my order to arrive. Mel hasn't eaten in about 3 days. Well that was long enough for him to be hungry enough to try new foods. He ate his 1st roach today. Ate 6 of them and 10 bsfl so maybe I can finally get some variety in his diet. 33 gm today

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