Angela Poleto
New Member
I have two Mellers chameleons and one of the two recently will not stay in the trees of his free range. He is constantly crawling around the ground and not eating or drinking very much. I have a humidifier below the free range, zoo med lighting tubes, 3 of them, one heat lamp for basking. It is hard to tell you humidity levels because it is a free range but the gauge I use says it is past normal and before high. I dust their food with reptical. I mist 2-4 times daily. They are on a 12 hour lighting cycle, 7a to 7p. I see no physical injuries. I did notice a small white spot on the inside of his mouth. I would never have noticed if he wouldn't have hissed at me! No pus like described with a mouth infection but the rest of his mouth is black. I thought him to be a male because he is alot bigger than the other one. He has been roaming on the ground a week now. I could really use some suggestions. Thanks.