We've been using a Habba Mister system for a few years now. We've recently been dealing with a non stop dripping from the end of the nozzle for the past month, we can't figure out how to get it to stop. It will drain the reservoir in a day. Also it really doesn't mist it just sprays water out and no amount of messing with the end of the nozzle will make it "mist". So we deal with water all over the bottom of his enclosure. I've been looking at either the Mist King or the Climist systems. The Climist system says that it will not work well with tap water, does that also mean I can not use the water out of my fridge since it is filtered? The Mist King doesn't say anything about tap water being used. What kind of water do you all use with these systems? Can you clean them out periodically if you use tap water? Any insight into these systems or how best to water my little dude will be much appreciated.