Mistreating a chameleon

I have seen this video, and the person you see thinks the cham is "playing" and is enjoying that :rolleyes:
That was what she said when responding to comments.
Funny how comments are disabled for every video she posts! I don't know if anyone else went and looked at her other videos? She is definitely one of them people who should not be allowed to keep animals.
When I bought my veiled from a local pet store the girl working there told me she has one and that she flies him around the house like an airplane. I can only hope she doesn't tell everyone this is how they should be handled. I can only imagine the fear of that poor little guy.
wow, I've never seen that video, how sad. She probably disabled comments cause she's been called out for mistreatment before. what a shame
Well its a silly youtube video. Look at this one?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AviIobZI55s.. ok I do find it kind of clever and funny, but also know it is stress..

As I am a dog trainer there are a TON of videos on you tube hell even the comments say oh how cute, but NOT.. the animal is showing stress, and being a saint.. so the same will happen with reptiles where people think reptiles love attention.. where most people don't have any clue on behavior in them.. it happens in dogs.. so yeh people think it is cute in reptiles..
How many people post saying I don't get it, when I checked the cham out at the store,, it climbed on me happy.. now being nasty?? umm.. it was not seeking contact.. just trying to get higher and escape.. how many of us have silently, been frustrated by the people who want to pet and play with a antisocial, shy animal.. Sorry reptiles DONT seek contact except to breed within their own species.. what the heck makes you think a big strange scary possible predator have a chance for social contact?? get over it.. It bugs me more as frankly they are very bright animals, as someone who has trained multiple species.. they show it.. but I don't have ANY delusions that they love me, they respect and trust me, but I also have to keep my end of the deal up and respect their wishes..

My shock.. is not the video.. but the CONDITION of that animal, I hope to hell that it is some sort of rescue, or WC animal.. the disfigurement on that animal is shocking.. If was raised by the poster..

How bad and how frequent does a Veild have to be exposed to excessive heat to get that kind of disfigurement?

I say this as I did have a burn incident on mine.. or I assume it was despite a recorded set of temps not in the danger range, but one day scabbing in a small area of the back, then healed.. so missing some of the back spike type, scales along the spine.. Vet felt it was a possible burn but was also puzzled.. cultures where neg.. but its there, and I am sure more "experienced" keepers would see it and question.. (see my avatar) but hell. that is a serious disfigured animal.. behavior aside..

That is the most shocking thing, combined with the video and the laughing.. yeh not cool.. talk about a double wammy.. disfigured animal, and inappropriate handling..
Yea, that's a very severe burn, probably multiple burns over time that have eaten away at his casque. Really shameful.

And it's amazing that he bites her and she still thinks he's having fun. It's amazing how little insight people have into the behavior of their own animals. Just like people at the dog park can't tell when their dogs are playing or fighting, she must be equally incapable of reading the signs of her own pet.
I think I have seen those videos before. It's disgusting that people don't understand that reptiles aren't like dogs or cats. They are biting you because they don't like it.

Yea, that's a very severe burn, probably multiple burns over time that have eaten away at his casque. Really shameful.

And it's amazing that he bites her and she still thinks he's having fun. It's amazing how little insight people have into the behavior of their own animals. Just like people at the dog park can't tell when their dogs are playing or fighting, she must be equally incapable of reading the signs of her own pet.

this sums up my opinion :\ I knew it was the chameleon video I saw before when you mentioned the burns. Poor guy
I agree it is awful. But why post a link on A Chameleon Forum? Since there is nothing we can do, why should any of us look at that sort of stuff?? Sorry, I didn't look because I chose not to see something that makes me mad & sad.
I agree it is awful. But why post a link on A Chameleon Forum? Since there is nothing we can do, why should any of us look at that sort of stuff?? Sorry, I didn't look because I chose not to see something that makes me mad & sad.

I just saw your comment and I guess I agree with you. It is very saddening to see this. There isn't much we can do except complain, which isn't very useful most of the time. :(

I just wish this kind of abuse would stop.
I just felt so sad for the little guy and I was just so angered by it that I wanted to post it to show misinformed people that this is NOT How a chameleon should be treated it is not a like a cat or dog like this woman thinks it is. I know the majority of people on this site know the proper care for chameleons but there's always someone out there like this woman and it just saddens me.
Aww, I kind of think this is sad. I think she obviously does love this chameleon but probably did not realize what she was doing. Poor woman when she got bombarded by mean comments.

I think she did care about him very much, but was just misinformed on the way these animals are cared for. Maybe if she was informed correctly, she would have been treating him this way.

Again, keepers can do some stupid stuff, but really, I think the stupidity lies in the people who feed them information that says it's okay to do things like this.
I agree it is awful. But why post a link on A Chameleon Forum? Since there is nothing we can do, why should any of us look at that sort of stuff?? Sorry, I didn't look because I chose not to see something that makes me mad & sad.

I agree 100%. We don't need to see this type of video, it serves no pupose on this forum. All it does it add views to the You tube poster.:(

I don't care if she's a decent person, just the way she speaks and speaks to the animal, she sounds freakng delusional........ I just.... Wow... My brain hurts.
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