more baby quads hatching!


Established Member
They started hatching 2 days ago (March 22nd) from a clutch of ten which was laid on 9/27/12. So, this clutch took five months and 26 days to hatch. That's the longest incubation time for any of quad clutch I've ever had. This clutch was laid by the same female who laid a clutch of 8 huge eggs on the day before (9/26/12).

The first pic is of the first one out. The second photo is of the second one that hatched the same day. At first I was a little concerned about the position of his leg. I had a clutch many years ago where several of the babies had deformities (no eyes, missing foot, etc.). Fortunately though, this little guy was just doing a yoga pose. :) As soon as I touched him, he lowered his leg.

Three more hatched yesterday, and I'm waiting to see how many hatch out today.



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Here's another pic of the second one that hatched along with the eggs of his siblings.



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Perry this is just so hard on me! I want baby quads so bad, and you just keep having more and more. Good thing I don't know where you live. I might become the owner of some baby quads. Heck now you know who to blame if those little darlings wander away from home.

Congrats yet again
Today, the last of the ten eggs hatched! This is the second clutch in a row by that female (the other clutch of hers had 8 eggs) where 100% of the eggs hatched.

Perry I am in Seattle on the way to California, it isn't much farther to swing by where ever you are, and take a dozen or so babies out of your hair. I know they musy be way too much work. I will always help a friend out.:D
Perry I am in Seattle on the way to California, it isn't much farther to swing by where ever you are, and take a dozen or so babies out of your hair. I know they musy be way too much work. I will always help a friend out.:D

Thank you Laurie! That is so kind of you. :D It's just a hop, skip and a jump from Seattle to Cincinnati. :)

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