More Monty Jackson Photos!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Today I weighed little Montysaurus and he weighed in at 2.5g - a gain of 0.2g in the last week! He measures 2 inches snout to vent. You can also see in the first pic where his casque/crown is beginning to develop and take shape! (Not sure what that bit is called on a Jackson cham, lol!)


My little Sleepysaurus! :D




Well it looks like I was wrong yet again.:( I do not want a baby Jackson's like Monty. Not only could I never put him down, but holding him all day means I would get even less done. the pix he is adorable & his colors are starting to poke through...give him hugs from his cousin acroos the pond

His green show through more when he is sat on my finger! I don't get the red throat treatment very often either which is great! He is usually dark when in his viv though, which is apparently typical of baby Jacksons. Monty sends hugs right back to Ramsey! :D
D'AWWWW! After Thanksgiving I am getting a sub-adult Jackson's male. :3 I can't wait! I love their everything. Monty and Ramsey are the perfect Jackson's though! ^__^
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